What are the perks and disadvantajes of delivering a message with a Radical Candor approach?
A Radical Candor approach helps people to identify their growth opportunities, but it's aggressive
Where does the therm "Mentor" comes from?
The term comes from “Mentor”, a wise man in Homer’s Odyssey who educates Telemachus.
What are the origins of coaching?
Coaching started being used in sports, refering to the figure of trainer.
Explain the principle:
"Let People Leave with Their Heads Held High"
If you have to let people go, be generous, treat them well, and celebrate their accomplishments.
What is the Capital of Mongolia?
Ulan Bator
According the communication theory, what does the axiom "The content aspect and the relationship aspect" means?
The meaning of the message changes according to the relationship you have with the person who gives it
Can you be a Mentor of someone you perceive as a 4? (with low potential)
No, a mentor has to be positive and see the potential of their mentees
In a choaching relationship, who sets the goals?
The coachee, with the help of the coach
Explain the principle:
"5 Words on A White Board"
Have a structure for one-on-one’s and take the time to prepare for them, as they are the best way to help people be more effective and to grow.
Which of the following animals has more bones?
* Shark
* Worm
* Frog
* Crab
What are a cognitive biases?
Cognitive biases are mental errors that affect how we perceive and interpret information. They can lead to irrational or illogical decisions and judgments.
Why is it important to create an environment of trust?
You might have the best idea and still people might not follow your lead. People belief in the person before they believe in his or her leadership.
Does a coach needs to be an expert in the subject he/she is giving coaching?
No, a mentor is who needs be an expert in the subject
Explain the principle:
"Practice Free-Form Listening"
Listen to people with your full and undivided attention—don’t think ahead to what you’re going to say next—and ask questions to get to the real issue.
What happend to "Chuchita"?
They bagged her
What is a 1´st level change?
It just helps to maintain the homeostasis.
It refers to all the changes people do to avoid making real change.
People do more of the same.
It operates in the same logic level.
What does it mean to "Clear the flight path"?
As a mentor, you are aware of the challenges the mentees will face.
Clearing the path means that you help them to face the real challenges.
What are the 4 steps of the GROW model?
Explain the principle:
"It’s OK to Love"
The people on your team are people, and the team becomes stronger when you break down the walls between the professional and human personas and embrace the whole person with love.
Which of the following is not a traditional dish in Guatemala?
* Chuchitos
* Jocón
* Hilachas
* Chifrijo
Chifrijo, it is from Costa Rica
Mention 4 of the 5 axioms of the communication theory
It is impossible not to communicate
The content aspect and the relationship aspect
The analog and digital modality
Punctuation gives meaning
Symmetrical and complementary communication
As a mentor, what you should do once your mentee become an expert?
Help them to repeat the process and share their knowledge to their own mentees.
Explain what is Critical Realism
The focal element of Critical Realism is that reality must be grounded in something real (but continues to exists whether you comprehensively know what it is or not, or whether you can measure it or not).
It combiness three elements, ontological realism (that there is something real out there), epistemological relativism (that there is more than one type of knowledge), and judgemental rationality (there is criteria by which to evaluate explanations).
Explain the principle:
"Always Build Community"
Build communities inside and outside of work. A place is much stronger when people are connected. Invest in creating real, emotional bonds between people.
When and where was FIFA founded?
It was founded in Zúrich, Suiza, in 1904