Attribution theory
Interest and values
Achievement Goal theory
self-efficacy theory
Learned helplessness

what are attributions? 

Our causal explanations for an event or a behavior 


Interest can be divided into two main categories. What are these? 

Individual and situational 


Achievement goal theory grew out of which specific need? 

The need for achievement


what is self-efficacy? 

beliefs in own competencies / capabilities


what is learned helplessness? 

A state of belief where the individual think that they have no control over their situation


Name the three main dimensions of attribution

control, locus, stability


Name one factor for how interest develops according to the four-phase model of interest development? 

personal relevance, positive feelings, value, prior knowledge

What characterizes a performance orientation? 

Performance goal orientations: setting goals aimed at demonstrating competence to others 


Name 3 of the 4 sources of self-efficacy (according to Bandura) 

Mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasions, physiological and emotional states


Name two strategies to prevent learned helplessness

1.Improving self-control in other areas to increase feelings of control 

2.A good social network can encourage you 

3)Allow redoes and retakes. Thus encourage the belief that failure is not final and permanent 

4)Celebrate mistakes as an opportunity to learn and not as a failure 

5)Praise effort, not abilities. 

6)Give the students smaller goals and celebrate their achievements.


Explain, using attribution theory, why feedback on effort are more beneficial than feedback based on personality 

dimension of control: you can influence the outcome

dimension of stability: the same does not have to occur again, it is not stable in nature but can change  


3 different psychological processes are involved when we feel interested. Name 1 of these 

attention, affection, effort 


What is a mastery-avoidance goal? 

The goal of not lacking competence and to not loose skills. I am afraid that I do no longer have enough competence on this topic


what is the social-cognitive theory? 

theory that arguments that human functioning involves an interplay of personal, behavioral, and environmental influences


How does attribution theory (dimensions) explain learned helplessness? 

the tendency to explain events as internal, stable, uncontrollable, and global


how are social norms influencing our attributions? 

Outcome outside the norm: attribution to internal factors 

Outcome in the norm: attributions to external factors


What is the main difference between phase 1 + 2 (situational) and 3 + 4 (individual) in the four-phase model of interest development? 

change in being almost exclusively supported by the environment, with interest now being more personal and a growing curiosity 


There are 3 social needs, where need for achievement represents the need to perform well. What are the two others? 

Need to have power: positive feelings when influencing others; Need for affiliation: positive feelings in social situations


according to self-efficacy theory, engagement in a task happens when we expect that we can succeed (efficacy expectations) + when we believe that what we do has an influence on the outcome (outcome expectations). Later researchers found out that one major component was missing. What was this? 

Value: personal meaning that makes it worth it to engage in the task 

Explain how association learning (e.g., Pavlov's dogs) is involved in learned helplessness? 

the individual has learned, by repeated failure, that nothing will change the outcome because they believe they control