The Last Supper
He Is Risen
The Road to Damascus

How many pieces of silver did Judas receive to betray Jesus?



On what day did Jesus come back to life?

On the 3rd day


To what city was Saul traveling when he was blinded by a great light?  



The rider on the White Horse was _____________________



What animal swallowed Jonah?

A big fish

Some people tell the story of Jonah and the Whale, but the Bible says 'big fish'.


When Jesus blessed the bread he said, Take this and eat it, for this is ______

My body


Mary and Mary Magdalene went to look at the tomb. Who was sitting on the entrance stone to greet them when they arrived?

An angel

When they got to the tomb, they were surprised. An angel was nearby and the stone was rolled aside. He told them, "Do not be afraid. You are looking for Jesus who was crucified.He isn't here. He is risen from the dead. Look, this is where they laid his body!"


Saul attained authorization from who to capture believers?

High Priest


How many Trumpets were there?



Where did God tell Jonah to go?


God told Jonah to go to Nineveh to tell the people there that they were bad people and they had to be good.


When Jesus took the cup of wine, he said, Each of you drink from it, for this is _________

My blood


Mary Magdalene stood outside of the empty tomb and wept. Who appeared to her and brought her comfort?


Mary was crying and two angels asked her why she was crying. She told them someone had taken Jesus and she didn't know where he had gone. Just before she left, she heard another familiar voice. 

When Jesus called her name, Mary was surprised. She looked up and recognized Jesus as her teacher.


Whom did God send to heal Saul?



One of the first things John saw in heaven was a beautiful throne surrounded by a rainbow, 24 elders, and creatures. What did the elders and the creatures repeatedly call the one sitting on the throne?

Holy means "perfect" and "pure". The one that was seated on the throne was the Lord God Almighty, and the elders repeatedly called him holy.


Once Jonah was at sea, he went to sleep down below. What did God do?

He sent a storm

When the storm started the captain told everyone on the boat (including Jonah) to pray for help, because he had a feeling the storm was God trying to tell them something about the journey.


How did Judas identify Jesus to the armed men?

With a Kiss.


Which group paid special attention to where the body of Jesus had been laid?

The Women


After Saul regained his sight and strength, he went proclaiming what?

Jesus, Son of God


What special book had the names written of all the people who would have eternal life in the Holy City?

The Book of Life


God did not stop the storm - in fact, it was getting worse. What did Jonah do?

He allowed the crew to throw him overboard

As soon as Jonah was off the boat the storm stopped. The sailors on the boat then knew that Jonah's God was really God and followed him.


How did Jesus say the person who would betray him could be identified?

He would eat from the same bowl.


When the women told the disciples about what they had seen, which two disciples ran to see the empty tomb?

Peter and John

Most of the disciples could not believe what the women had told them. However, Peter and John ran to the tomb to see for themselves.


What was the purpose of Saul's journey during which he was blinded by a great light?

To arrest and persecute Christians


The Antichrist and false prophet were two people who hated God and made the entire world worship them instead. They did many evil things. What was put on all of their followers as a sign?

A mark was put on the foreheads or right hands of all the people who followed the Antichrist. People who didn't have the mark were treated very badly and could not buy or sell.


When Jonah was next on dry land, God spoke to him again. What did he say?

He told Jonah to do what he told him in the first place

Sometimes I don't do what I should do, and later I find that I have to do it anyway.