This time period lasted from 1950 to today.
What is Modern-Day?
The Inuit lived in the _
What are the coldest regions of Canada?
Since the Basketmaker period, the Pueblo began growing this.
What are corn, beans, and squash?
A species that once existed but is no longer living.
What is extinct?
This house is made of snow and ice.
What is the Inupiat Igloo?
This time period lasted from 1300 to 1950.
What is Post-Migration?
This Inuit word means "home."
What is igloo?
A vocabulary word, this is used to hunt animals.
What are projectile points?
To move frequently.
What is nomadic?
This house is made of sand and mud.
What is the Taos Pueblo?
This time period lasted from A.D 1150 to 1300.
What is Pueblo III?
The Inuit used this tool to hunt whales, walruses, and bowhead whale.
What is a harpoon?
During this time period, the Pueblo moved to the Mesa Verde region.
What is Archaic?
A person who gets food, clothing, and other necessities by hunting wild animals.
What is a hunter-gatherer?
This house, made of wood, (specifically bark and branches) is not very portable.
What is the Wigwam?
DAILY DOUBLE This time period lasted from 6000 B.C. to 500.
What is Archaic?
A member of the Inuit is called this.
What is an Inuk?
DAILY DOUBLE This tool started to be used in the Basketmaker period to hunt animals.
What is the bow and arrow?
Something that is made and/or used by a human
What is an artifact?
This house is made of animal skin and wood.
What is the Oglala Lakota Tipi?
This time Period lasted from 500 B.C to A.D 750.
What is Basketmaker?
In Inuit, a dogsled was called this.
What is a qamutik?
This mansion had more than 420 rooms, about 90 kivas, 14 towers, and a great kiva.
What is a pueblo?
An area of land that has common features or unifying characteristics.
What is a region?
This house, made of wood and straw, is not very sturdy.
What is the Seminole Chickee?