PO Culture
PO Organization
PO Random

What are 3 ingredients for an optimistic team?

1 cup Support, 1 whole person Community,1 tbsp Integrity, 1 tbsp Patience, ½ tsp Grace, Unlimited amount Optimism, 3 cups Leadership, 3 cups Mentorship, ¼ tsp Joy, 2 cups Communication, 1 cup Respect


We have two Co founders. What are their names? 

Ishmael Pruitt and Armoni Easley 


What is a mandated reporter? 

A mandated reporter is a person who has regular contact with vulnerable people and is therefore LEGALLY REQUIRED to ensure a report is made when abuse is observed or suspected.


On day two, we discussed some responsibilities we have as mentors. What was one that you remember? ( Hint. We discussed 6) 

Treat students with respect

Maintainin physical boundaries

Provide a safe, nurturing environment

Commit to your own personal and professional development

Continuously grow as an inclusive young professional valuing and celebrating the identities of all participants.

Build a strong community among students, parents and schools


All mentors must report to what position? Think about who is your supervisor.

The Program Coordinator. You'll know the exact name by the end of today.  


Can you write the Sankofa Pledge word for word? 

From this day I will be The mechanism Becoming properly equipped With an OPTIMISTIC MINDSET. I value my future and promise to ALWAYS Look back and give back!


We have 4 main values. What are they? 

LEADERSHIP that inspires, unites, and opens doors to new possibilities.A n organizational commitment to SERVICE particularly focused on those most in need. Increasing awareness, access, and resources to equip our COMMUNITY. Operating with INTEGRITY, positivity, and understanding.


POMS has 4 objectives. Please give us 2  of the 4 objectives. 

  • Enhance Socio-Emotional Well-being: Provide students with a positive and caring mentor who can serve as a role model, offering guidance on personal development and decision-making.
  • Improve Academic Performance: Support students in setting and achieving academic goals, developing effective study habits, and accessing academic resources.
  • Promote Positive Behavior: Reinforce positive behavior, social skills, and conflict resolution strategies through mentorship interactions and activities.
  •  Foster a Sense of Belonging: Create a supportive and inclusive school culture by establishing meaningful connections between students and mentors.

Day one training, we stated that Mentorship = 

Mentorship = Connections


What is Armoni's Wife's Name? 

Mariah 💙


We discussed how to create Optimism in the workplace. What is one way we can do to create Optimism in the workplace?

Communicate positively: Regular positive communication can create a happier working atmosphere.Encourage a fun environment: Having enjoyable activities and humor in the office can inspire employees to do their best.Celebrate successes: Regularly acknowledge and celebrate individual and team accomplishments, reinforcing a positive, achievement-oriented culture. Adopt the optimistic mindset.


When you wear the the Project Optimism Logo, just know what it represents. What are the meanings of the hands? 

The hand reaching down represents you as a member of the Project Optimism community who is reaching back as you climb. The hand reaching up represents the humbleness and humility one must have to identify that they need support and to allow others to assist them.


We are excited to announce the expansion of Project Optimism. We are ACTIVE in 16 sites among two regions. Name two school districts we work with. One from each region ☺️

San Juan Unified School District

Folsom Cordova Unified School District 

Long Beach Unified School District 

ABC Unified School District


Armoni mentioned an approach that always works when "Mentoring the Mentor"  (Hint. its 3)

1. Lead by example | Share Your Experience 📚

2. Learn side by side | Growth will occur for both individuals  🌳

3. Let them teach you | You will gain new perspectives 🌏


What is Ishmael's Son Name? 

Ishmael Jr. Aka Juni 💙


Adopt the optimistic mindset. What is the phrase? 

looking at every situation as a BLESSING , LESSON AND AN OPPORTUNITY TO GROW🌳


We have a centralized hub that we use to conduct our work. It is an online tool that empowers teams to do all our best work. (Hint. access to a set og integrated apps that work together seamlessly) 

Google Workspace


On average how long will POMS run for? (Hint. Weeks)

An average of 32 weeks


We Know You've Got What It Takes To Be A Mentor with Project Optimism! We spoke about 8 different reasons. Give us two. 

Lived Experiences. Optimism. Dedication. Willingness to Learn. Authenticity. Leadership. Visionary. Passion and Compassion. 


On day 1 of training, what was our first team builder? Bingo was an icebreaker ☺️

Hecka Decka ( with cards) 


Think about the activity we completed on Day 1. Unlocking your purpose and your why. What was the most important piece in that heart?

You. Your name💙


We are here to provide mentorship. Evaluations are a way for us and you to track your growth, areas of improvement, and contributions to our evolving organization. What are two things you may be evaluated on? 

Job Understanding • Job Skills • Punctuality • Dependability •  Performance • Productivity • Leadership • Professionalism


Our POMS curriculum has two models combined. What are the two models? 

( Hint. think of frameworks)  

Building Blocks also known as the 40 Development Asset and Social and Emotional Development 


We spoke about tips on building connections through mentorship. We discussed basic conversational skills. Something known as O.A.R.S What does OARS stand for?  

O pen Ended Questions 

A ffirmations

R eflective Statement

S ummarize 


We watched a video. It was a ted talk with Rite Pierson. She stated that Every kid needs a __________. Fill in the blank. 

Champion. "Every kid needs a Champion"