What does geeky mean?
nerdy, Computerfreak
What is a typical Indian snack called (sweet and spicy)?
What does this word mean in English? [ˈskwɔtə] Describe its meaning in English and give the German translation.
squatter = Empty houses in cities, especially in the marginal areas, are very attractive to them.
Which drug did the British merchants sold in China? And was was the result of it?
result: Britain won the opium wars in the mid-1800s. As a result Hong Kong Island became a British posession.
Mosquitoes --> ceiling fan
no water all the time --> between 2-5a.m. they fill their buckets to get water
no private baths --> people bathe outside wearing clothes
no private toilets --> public shared toilets
no furniture --> kind landlord gave him bed/chair etc.
no own houses --> rented rooms, landlords
There has been a lot of violence in Mumbai between two major religious groups? It was also shown in the movie when Jamals mother was killed.
Which religios groups are ment?
Name three means of transport that are famous for Hong Kong and do not exist in Heiligenstadt and in our area.
e.g. cable car, escalator streets, double-decker bus, Star ferry
What is the full name of Slumdog Millionaires protagonist? And what is the name of is girlfriend?
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
Who said this? Why? What is he famous for?