What is Mother's teaching #9?
As the sea receives all the dirt and purifies it, we should have a broad and beautiful heart to embrace the faults of our brothers and sisters.
In what year was the Dead Sea scrolls found and later tested to indicate the Bible has never been changed.
What subject from book 1 would we preach to show someone how to eat jesus' flesh and blood?
Passover, the way to Eternal Life
I was told by God to listen to whatever Sarah tells me.
Who is Abraham?
When greeting Heavenly Mother, to what degree should we bow?
90 degrees
Complete the sentence: "When we look at things beautifully without hatred in our ...., we can achieve the perfect ...."
Heart & Love
What were the order of kingdoms to arise according to Daniel 2?
Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome
What subject shows that christ, Ahnsahnghong, will come in 1948?
Lesson of the Fig Tree
I am the perfect Kind David, the perfect Melchizedek, and the perfect Elijah.
Who is Christ Ahnsahnghong?
When greeting members in Zion, to what degree should we bow?
45 degrees
What is Mother's teaching # 7?
Arrogance arises from a heart full of complaint. When we serve God always with gratitude, arrogance and complaint disappear, and humility will dwell in our hearts.
Name two biblical characters that God allowed to represent himself
David & Abraham
Name this verse from the Law of tithe "A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD"
Leviticus 27:30
I am the reality of the New Covenant Passover.
Who is Heavenly Mother?
Aside from praying, what is one thing we should do when arriving and leaving Zion?
Greet and say goodbye to the overseers
What teaching goes along with this statement: "Words have great power and are like an echo. When we compliment others, compliments return to us. When we blame others, they blame us as well."
Mother’s Teaching #8
The prophecy about Naboth’s vineyard is a prophecy found in this bible study.
7 Churches
What 2 verses in the trinity show that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one?
1 Jn 2:1 , Jn 14:26
Though I was told to go back to my own people and my own god, I never left my Mother-In-Law's side and followed ger to her people and her God.
Who is Ruth?
What is an inappropriate snack in Zion?
Complete the sentence: "When we look at things ...... without ...... in our hearts, we can achieve perfect ....."
Name five books in the Bible that are considered history books
Joshua , judges, Ruth , Samuel kings chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Esther
Name this verse "He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my father and his angels"
Revelation 3:5
I am known as the prophet of tears
Who is Jeremiah?
What does WATV stand for?
Witnesses of Ahnsahnghong Television