Civil Rights
Gun control measures, strong economy, passing acts supporting time off for family leave and welfare reform.
What is President Clinton's administration?
This war is based on claims made by the U.S. and the U.K.
What is the war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
This was a shootout that occurred between the FBI, AFT and an apocalyptic Christian group that was being served a warrant for child abuse and illegal weapons.
What is Branch Davidian Incident?
Investigations of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were a result of this.
What is Hurricane Katrina?
Both the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Student Nonviolence Coordinating Committee (SNCC) are
What organizations are associated with Civil Rights Organizations?
Attempts to improve education (No Child Left Behind act) and invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq (declaration against terrorism).
What is President Bush's administration known for?
This war was because American interest in oil was threatened.
What is the Persian Gulf War?
This caused concern in the United States because Americans realized that they were not as technologically advance as they thought.
What is the effect of sputnik in the United States?
The Kansas--Nebraska Act is a key passage of the evolution of major political parties from what time period.
What is Civil War to Modern day?
During the Little Rock Crisis this president intervened with federal troops.
What is President Eisenhower?
American Recovery and Reinvestment act.
What is president Obama's administration known for?
As a result of 9/11, congress passed this act, which broadened government authority to gather intelligence and further defined crimes that punishable as terrorism.
What is the USA Patriot Act?
Trade deficits, computerized trading, and criticism of West Germany's economic policy.
What are the causes of Black Monday (stock market crash)?
FDR gave a speech at the New York World's Fair, where this was first being officially introduced to the public.
What is the Television?
This group supported sit-ins as a form of protest against segregation, however they disapproved of radical groups such as the SNCC and the Black Panthers.
What is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Success in forcing Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait.
What is President Bush's administration (1989-1993)?
New opportunities for United States trade.
What is a effect of the collapse of the soviet union?
This scandal was caused by lax regulation of savings and loan industry that led to poor investments and high insolvency.
What is the Savings and loan scandal?
The Eisenhower doctrine committed forces and economic aid to the Middle East to stop what type of threats.
What are Communist threats?
Violence that occurred during a voter registration as well as a march from Selma to Birmingham (Alabama) caused this act to be signed.
What event caused the 1965 Voting rights act to be signed soon after?
This person signed agreements with the soviet union in 1959 concerning trade.
Who is Fidel Castro?
an agreement to cut nuclear weapons arsenals by 30%, was a landmark agreement of the easing tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.
What is START?
A federal building was destroyed with a fertilizer bomb because Timothy McVeigh was upset about this "fiasco"?
What does the Branch Davidian Incident has to do with the Oklahoma City Bombing?
The Iran-Contra Affair, where the profits of the United States (CIA, National Security Council and the Reagan administration) selling weapons to Iranians funded Nicaraguan revolutionaries fighting the Sandinista made citizens even more skeptical of their government, much like previous scandals involving the government.
How is the Watergate Scandal similar to the Iran-Contra Affair?
The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was the first since this time period.
What is the first rights acts since Reconstruction?