Drawing Inferences
Experimental Probability
Random Sample and Surveys
There are 5 chocolate cookies, 3 sugar cookies, 8 double chocolate cookies, 7 peanut butter cookies, and 9 vanilla cookies in a bag. What is the probability that you will pull a vanilla cookie?
What is 9/23
Psychologist know that there are 192 marked rats in an area. On a flight over the area, they count 38 marked rats and a total number of 300 rats. Write a proportion to estimate the rate population.
What is 1516
What is an inference
What is a prediction or conclusion based on data or reasoning.
In 90 coin tosses, 27 are are heads. Find the experimental probability?
What is 3/10
You survey the students in your math class. You ask what is their favorite subject. What sample is more likely to be random. You survey everyone in your math class You survey every other student in the 3 different lunch periods. You survey
What is You survey every other student in the 3 different lunch periods.
There are 76 mixed nuts in a bag; 15 are almonds, 22 are cashews, 26 are walnuts, 4 are hazel nuts, and 9 are pecans. What is the probability that you will pick an almond or a walnut.?
What is 41/76
Workers at a zoo caught and marked lions in the wild. Caught lions: 89 Counted Marked: 6 Marked lions: 25
What is 370
Find the average of the sample data below: 61, 51, 19, 8, 92, 89, 25, 6, 7, 22
What is 38
Suppose the following is the results of tossing a coin 15 times: tails, heads, heads, heads, heads, tails, tails,tails, heads, tails, heads, tails, tails, tails, heads. What is the experimental probability for tails.
What is 8/15
Is the question below biased or fair? Do you prefer Instagram or boring Facebook better?
What is biased
There are 10 red strawberries, 28 purple grapes, 5 green kiwi, 27 green cucumbers , 17 white onions and 6 green peas in a bag. What is the probability that you will pick a vegetable? If you picked a pea, then a strawberry. What is the probability you will pick a green fruit or vegetable?
What is 50/93 and 37/91
A zookeepers marks 82 animals. Use a proportion to estimate the total population. 13 out of 63
What is 397
Find the range of the numbers listed below: 199, 239, 83, 35, 62, 66, 742
What is 707
A manufacturer of phone parts checks 50 parts each day. On Tuesday, 10 are of the checked parts are defective. What is the probability that a part is defective?
What is 2/5
Which is more likely to be a random sample: You select everyone in the 7th grade to do a survey or You select two students from each class to do a survey.
What is You select two students from each class to do a survey.
You have many socks in your dressers. However, you need to find a pair of purple socks. What is the probability you will get a a purple sock your first time pulling? If you pulled out a blue sock and put it on the floor what is the probability you will pull a purple sock the next time.? Red socks - 10 Blue socks -12 Purple socks - 6
What is 3/14 and 2/9.
Use a proportion to estimate each animal population. Total pigs counted: 37 Marked pigs counted: 14 Total marked pigs: 23
What is 61
About 250 student attend the Science fair. A local teacher surveys 3 random samples of 20 students each about their favorite project (Volcanoes, Condensation, & Heredity) . For each sample, estimate how many students prefer the project about condensation? Sample 1 : 5 - Volcanoes, 7 - Condensation, 8 - Heredity Sample 2 : 6 - Volcanoes, 5 - Condensation, 9 - Heredity Sample 3 : 1 Volcanoes, 15 - Condensation, 4 - Heredity
What is 100, 63, 188
What is the best prediction of the number of defective parts in Tuesday's total production of 135? Remember 10 out of 50 parts were defective from the question above.
What is 54.
What is a biased question?
What is a question that makes an unjustified assumption or makes some answers appear better than others.
There are many different beverages in a cooler consisting of soda, juice, and water. There are... 25 bottled water 30 soda cans ( 6 are Pepsi, 5 are Colas, 7 Sprites, 10 Dr, Peppers, and 2 Mountain Dew) 15 bottled juice (2 orange juices, 3 grape juices, 4 raspberry juices, 5 strawberry juices, and 1 lemonade) What is the probability you will not pick a flavored drink?
What is 5/14
Use a proportion to estimate animal population Total monkeys counted: 500 Marked monkeys counted: 55 Total Marked monkeys: 125
What is 1136
About 300 student attend National History Day. A local teacher surveys 3 random samples of 30 students each about their favorite project (Holocaust, Slavery, or the Cold War) . For each sample, estimate how many students prefer the project about slavery. Sample 1 : 10 - Holocaust, 15 - Slavery, 5 - Cold War Sample 2 : 2 - Holocaust, 20 - Slavery, 8 - Cold War Sample 3 : 11 Holocaust, 3 - Slavery, 16 - Cold War
What is 150, 200, 30
The simulation uses coins to predict the genders of 5 children with, "H" representing a girl and "T" representing a boy. What is the experimental probability that the 5 children will be 3 girls and 2 boys? T T H H H T T T H H T T H H H H H H H H H H H T T H T H H T T T T H H H H H T T H T H T H H H H H H H H H H T T T T T T T H T H H H T H T H H H H T T
What is 3/5
What is a random sample?
What is each member of a population has the same chance of being selected.