New Dangers
Adapting to Change
High Tech
Space and other stuff
What was the "new threat" that faced the U. S. after the cold war ended?
The new threat is the threat of terrorism.
Which two industries in Indiana struggled during the recession of the post-1960's?
Farming and Manufactuing
Part one: True or False: Indiana no longer relied on manufacturing to be a part of our economy during the recession of the 1960's and 70's. Part two: What is one of Indiana's most important manufacturing industries today?
Part One: False. Manufacturing remained a key part of our economy and still does today. Part two: Manufacturing of cars, trucks and auto parts
What is the general description of what a "high-tech" industry is? (Not a specific type)
High-tech- industries are those that invent, build, or use computers and other kinds of electronic equipment.
What are aerospace industries?
They are companies that design and build aircraft and spacecraft parts.
What happened with the two world super powers when the cold war ended?
The 15 Republics of the Soviet Union became independent again and the U.S. set up friendly relations with them.
What happened to small family farms in Indiana during the 1970's?
Farmers sold their family farms to large corporate farms who could afford the new farming equipment needed to make farming profitable.
How is the new Toyota plant in Princeton, Indiana able to be so efficient and compete with other factories around the world?
They use robotics to do both their painting and welding. They also train their workers to use the complex new machines, robots and computers.
What are the Biomet and Zimmer companies in Warsaw, Indiana known for?
The make highly specialized replacement body parts such as knees and hips.
What is Purdue University's connection to the aerospace industry?
It has one of the nation's best aerospace programs. More than 20 astronauts have educations from Indiana's Purdue University.
What was the most notable act of terrorism that happened in the United States after the cold war?
Terrorists hijacked, or took control of, four passenger jets and used them to destroy buildings in New York City and Washington, D.C.
Why did so many of Indiana's steel mills close in the 1960's and 1970's?
They could not make steel as cheaply as factories in other countries could. No one was buying or ordering their steel.
What new field of industries began to grow rapidly after the recession ended?
The Service Industries
Describe Terre Haute's connection to high-tech industry.
The Sony Corporation of America has a factory in Terre Haute that produces CDs, DVDs and video game disks.
Which astronaut from Indiana lost his life in the Apollo 1 disaster?
Virgil "Gus" Grissom
Name two new procedures, rules, or changes that Americans now face because of the war on terrorism
More security at airports: taking off shoes, need to have more identification; no large containers of liquids. Schools have several types of safety drills. The Department of Homeland Security was created. The Indiana Counter-Terrorism and Security Council was created.
How did the U.S Steel Company in Gary, Indiana stay in business during the 1970's?
They were able to buy updated equipment that kept production high and quality high.
Name three types of service industries.
doctors, hotels, restaurants, lawyers, teachers, hair salons, movie theaters, car repair shops, home decorating, amusement parks, politicians, carpet cleaners, sports teams, etc
Name two high tech items we have in our classroom.
computers, networked projection system, calculators, dvd player, speakers
Name two other astronauts from Indiana.
Frank Borman--Gary, Indiana Apollo 8 pilot 1968; Janice Voss--South Bend, Indiana Space Shuttle Endeavor, February 2000; Gus Grissom--Mitchell, Indiana; Gemini 3 and Apollo 1
Which two countries are we engaged in fighting right now due to terrorism concerns?
Iraq and Afghanistan
What affect did U.S. Steel's new production process have on workers?
Many of the jobs that workers used to do could now be done by the new machines. Because fewer workers were needed, many Indiana steelworkers lost their jobs
Name four service industries that have not been talked about yet.
doctors, hotels, restaurants, lawyers, teachers, hair salons, movie theaters, car repair shops, home decorating, amusement parks, politicians, carpet cleaners, sports teams, etc.
How has the move to high-tech affected education in our state?
Indiana has a commitment to preparing high school and university students for careers in high tech businesses. This means we also see changes in elementary education, too. Students are exposed to more information in Science and Social Studies, Math and Economics, as well as Foreign Language, Writing and computer technology and application or programs.
Total luck. Happy Space. Both teams receive 500 points