While sitting at the desk, male presenting team members must wear these things.
What are a tie and a blazer?
It has the answers to almost every Reception related question you could think of.
What is the Reception Guide Binder?
The service we use to register guests
What is Envoy?
The deadline one has to call out of work.
What is 6 or 6:30 am?
This person is quick to say no and quick to get their jokes out there. But are a pleasant person to be around
Who is Kinte?
Full time employees can use this service to order lunch or dinner if they stay in the building for long enough.
What is Sharebite?
You can scroll on news sites and social media but you cannot do blank at the desk.
What is looking at or scrolling on your phone?
When checking into 601 Lex, you first stop at this floor before going to your meeting.
What is 601-16?
When putting vacation days into the Outlook Calendar you must invite ____ so the Scheduling Team can see when you're leaving and approve the time off.
What is the Reception New York Vacation Calendar?
Many of our own team members spend time here, whether it be for fun, for their own side hobbies, or because they have a character to play.
What is Broadway?
The team within the team meant to organize events for the rest of Reception.
What is Team Fun?
We'll get calls for their products but we don't sell them. Amazon, Walmart, and Target even give out our number so people can get in contact with them.
What is Blackstone Griddle?
If someone is trying to register multiple guests they'll all need this.
We're all encouraged to take breaks! But the breaks must be this long.
What is 10 minutes long?
What is 345-11 and 345-26?
Every morning Receptionists must do this for every guest and employee they encounter.
A caller is giving you an attitude on the phone. First you may blank and then you must blank.
What is transfer them to x3100 and right an email report about the caller and your conversation.
A new employee is looking to collect their brand new ID. It can be found here.
What is the 345 Lobby?
The Scheduling Team itself consists of these members.
Who are Clenton, Logan, Sophia, and Karen with the final approval.
A now controversial entity Blackstone used to invest in.
What is SeaWorld?
The sight in which multiple Reception Happy Hours have happened in.
What is the Spyglass Rooftop Bar?
If the binder doesn't have the answers you're looking for you can find them here.
What is The Microsoft Teams Reception Team chat?
If an employee is visiting from another location, you can check here to see which office they might be assigned to.
What is the Outlook Calendar?
If you want to see a breakdown of your daily schedule you must Deputy to this.
What is "View By Area, Day" or "View by Employee, Day"
The event stray Receptionists can no longer attend.
What is Tea Time?