Play Structure
Problem Solving

What is one way you can ensure everyone gets a turn on the swings?  

By counting to 25 alligators 


What should you do if you disagree about a goal being made?

Rock- Paper- Scissors


If you and a friend disagree about the rules of a game and you have tried rock, paper, scissors- what is the next step to solve the problem?

Ask a monitor


How many students can be on each volleyball team?

Equal sides, up to 5 students on each side


What is the danger of throwing rocks and bark at each other during recess?

It can hurt the person that you are throwing the item at, or others who are nearby.


How should you respond if your team loses a game during recess and it is time to go back to class?

Say good game! Put downs, or smack talk, will result in losing the ability to play the game.


If you and a friend disagree about someone being out during a game, what is the best way to solve the problem?



Are you allowed to make up your own set of rules for wallball?

As long as everyone knows the rules BEFORE the games begins and EVERYONE agrees


What is the appropriate way to use the slides?

- on your bottom, feet in front, going down the slide ONLY


What may be a consequence if you do not take your outs in a game, causing conflict during the activity?

You may be removed from the game for the day, the week, or even the rest of the year depending on the conflict. 


What strategy should you use to peacefully resolve a disagreement with a classmate during a game?

Rock- paper- scissors, bug and wish or I statements, ask a Problem Solver for help, or ask for help from a monitor. 


What is your responsibility at the end of recess to keep the playground tidy for everyone?

Put away all balls, hula hoops, and jump ropes


What may be a consequence if you do not use the slides, swings or play structure appropriately?

- lose play structure access for a determined amount of time (i.e. one week)


How do you create equal teams?

- Count off

- Ask for a monitor to help

- Divide students that know how to play soccer equally among the 2 teams


How can a Recess Problem Solver help you?

They can help by:

- helping students solve problems or disputes

- guide students to deciding on a conflict resolution strategy

- help friends communicate 

- other


How many points until the game is over in volleyball?

6 points


What should you do if you hear inappropriate language at recess?

1. Tell them to stop

2. Use an "I message" or "Bug and a Wish"

3. Tell a monitor


What if a student wants to join the game after it has already started?

They can join! There are NO CLOSED games at Hoover. This applies to all games (i.e. kickball, soccer, wallball, etc.)


What is the job of a recess monitor?

To make sure everyone is safe, respectful and responsible while playing during recess. 


What are the different ways of getting out in wallball?

  • The ball goes over the wall.

  • You hit the ball and the ball doesn’t hit the wall

  • You hit the ball and the ball goes over the out-of bounds line.

  • You are hit by the ball.

  • The players call it out.  All who saw it vote (majority rules)

  • You are blocking a player and they have to go around you to play the ball, and you made no attempt to get out of the way. 

  • You do not play the ball within the yellow line/within the court