
If a recess teacher asks you to talk to them, what should you do?

Go talk to the recess teacher, teachers are here to make sure that everyone is safe.


During a normal school day, how many recesses do you have?

On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

You will have 2 recesses.


When playing tag at recess, is it okay to tag someone that has not yet decided to play?

No, if someone hasn't decided to play, then you are touching them without their permission.


If someone purposely hurts me at recess and I decide to hurt them back, who will get in trouble?

Both students broke the rule of staying safe while at recess. They will both be in trouble.


When the bell rings and recess is over, what should you do?

Put any toys that you were playing with away and line up with your class!


When playing tag, is it allowed to touch others that have also decided to play?

Yes! If you are "It" and the person you are tagging has already said that they are playing, then you may tag them back. 

ALTHOUGH, it is important that when tagging someone, you make sure not to hurt them and use a gentle touch.


Name 3 Recess Rules!

1. Stay safe and keep others safe

2. Stay inside the playground area

3. Use kind words

4. Line up when the bell rings

5. Listen to recess teachers


On Wednesdays, how many recess(es) do you get?

On Wednesday, you get 1 recess.


While playing red light, green light, what should you do when you hear, "red light"?

Stop as fast as you can! If the caller sees you move when they turn around, you will have to move back a step!


If someone hurts me at recess on purpose, I should...

Tell them to stop, go to a teacher and tell them what happened, and get away from them.


How long does recess last?

First recess lasts 30 minutes 

Second recess lasts 15 minutes.


What should you do if you disagree with a friend while playing a game?

It is okay to disagree! First try to think of a solution with your friend. If the problem is difficult, try asking a teacher for help!


What should you do if someone says that you aren't allowed to play with them or that they don't want to play with you?

If someone doesn't want to play with you, that is their choice. You should find other people to play with. If someone is trying to disclude you from a larger activity, that is not allowed. Tell a teacher!


When I line up with the rest of my class at the end of second recess, I earn...

A token and some time in the LC with a snack!

Why is taking turns important in games?

It makes the game fair for everyone. Even though it may be hard to give up something that you really like, understanding that your friend is going to enjoy it just as much as you is very important for making friends! 

Thinking about how your friend is feeling and understanding why they feel that way is called empathy!