Animal that produces more than 100 vocal sounds
What is a cat?
Title of this song means "Kite Flying".
What is "cerf volant"?
Key that has no sharps or flats
What is C Major (or A minor)
Number of beats when you add up 3 half notes, 2 quarter notes and 8 eighth notes.
What is 12?
This means singing with no accompaniment
What is a cappella?
Something that helps cows produce more milk
What is listening to slow, soothing music?
A 2001 study by two psychologists at the University of Leicester suggested that cows who listened to slow, soothing songs like "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M. and Simon & Garfunkel's "Bridge Over Troubled Water," produced 3 percent more milk than a control group. Cows that listened to rap and techno music showed no increase in milk production. When a cow is stressed, it slows down the release of oxytocin, which is crucial for producing milk, so playing music that relaxes them helps them produce more milk.
The translation of the title of this song means "Listen".
What is "Oye"?
Order of sharps
12 of this kind of note equals 3 beats
What is a sixteenth note?
What we call a song that gets stuck in your head
What is an earworm?
None of the people in this famous band could read or write music
Who are the Beatles?
Song based on a poem by Christina Rossetti, a Victorian poet.
What is "Like a Singing Bird"?
Number of beats in a measure of 3/4 time.
What is 3?
This rest looks like a top hat
What is a half rest?
Animal that is much louder than a jet.
What is a blue whale?
Completed in 2005, the Sea Organ is an architectural sound object which plays music when hit by sea waves through tubes which are located under large marble steps. The steps, which offer both protection and allow tourists and locals a place to sit or stand while listening to the music caused by the wind and sea, were built later in this country
What is Croatia?
Jazz song composed by Louis Prima in 1936; most famously recorded by clarinetist Benny Goodman.
What is "Sing, Sing, Sing"?
Order of flats
What is B E A D G C F?
5 of this kind of note equals 15 beats
What is a dotted half note?
A system where every note of a scale is given its own unique syllable, which is used to sing that note every time it appears
What is solfege?
A 639-year performance based on avant-garde composer John Cage's "As Slow as Possible" started in September 2001 and is still running at St. Buchard Church in what country
What is Germany?
(The performance by an automated organ progresses so slowly that visitors have to wait months for a chord change, and is scheduled to conclude in 2640. The performance is so slow that the organ it's played on was not even completed before the concert began)
Derek Holman wrote this short choral piece about this long reptile
What is "Rattlesnake Skipping Song"?
Major key that has 5 flats
What is D flat major?
Note that equals exactly half of a quarter note.
What is an eighth note?
Loudest insect in the world
What is a cicada?