National Indigenous History Month
Teamwork and Collaboration
Professional Development

It’s a practice that honors and respects the Indigenous peoples as the traditional stewards of the land and their enduring relationship with the territory.

What is a “Land Acknowledgement”?


In this iconic TV series, a group of friends demonstrates exceptional teamwork and collaboration while navigating the challenges of life in New York City. 

What is "Friends" ?


This social justice movement, founded in 2013, advocates for the rights and equality of Black people, particularly in response to police brutality and systemic racism.

What is "Black Lives Matter"


This annual awards ceremony, hosted by Michael Scott at Chili's, recognizes Dunder Mifflin employees for various humorous and sometimes absurd achievements. 

What are the "Dundies "?


A TC employee resource group for 2SLGBTQIA+ employees and allies. Learn more about the network and how to get involved.  

What is the "Positive Space Network"?   


Transport Canada's headquarters is located on the traditional, unceded, unsurrendered territory of this Indigenous group, who have inhabited and cared for these lands long before today.

Who are the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation?


This skill is about encouraging and inspiring team members to achieve their best, often through support, motivation, and recognizing individual contributions.

What is “Leadership”


This American rapper, singer, and songwriter released the hit album "Good Kid, M.A.A.D City" in 2012, earning critical acclaim and commercial success.

Who is Kendrick Lamar?


This event, inspired by speed dating, combines quick networking sessions with interactive activities to foster meaningful conversations and collaboration among team members. The SDG Talent management team hosted this event in May 2024.

What is "Speed Networking"


This annual event, celebrated in cities around the world during Pride Month, features colorful parades, performances, and festivities to honor the 2SLGBTQI+ community.

What is a Pride Parade?


Aimed at fostering inclusion, this employee network at Transport Canada supports Indigenous colleagues by offering a platform for sharing experiences and providing mutual support.

What is the TC Indigenous Employee Network?


This type of event typically lasts 24 to 48 hours and involves teams of developers, designers, and project managers collaborating intensively to create functional software or hardware projects from scratch. SDG’s Power Apps centre of Excellence (PACE) team hosted one in April 2024. 

What is a "Hackathon"?


This Netflix original series, set in the 1980s, follows a group of kids in the fictional town of Hawkins as they encounter supernatural phenomena and government conspiracies.

What is "Stranger Things"?


In the 2006 film "The Devil Wears Prada," this character undergoes a significant professional transformation while working as an assistant to a powerful fashion magazine editor.

Who is "Andy Sachs"


This Canadian city hosts one of the largest Pride festivals in the world, drawing millions of attendees each year to celebrate diversity and LGBTQ+ rights.

What is Toronto?


Non-Indigenous people can support Indigenous Peoples through purposeful and meaningful actions, recognizing their own privilege and using it to dismantle barriers. This role involves learning about Indigenous histories, questioning policies, and striving to develop respectful, meaningful relationships.

What is an “Ally”?


Often described as "the ability to understand and share the feelings of another," this skill is essential for building strong, collaborative relationships within a team.

What is “Empathy”?


This fictional character, portrayed by actor Tom Hiddleston, is the adoptive brother and archenemy of Thor in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Who is Loki?


The online learning platform provided by TC for professional development and training

What is "TC Campus"?


On this day, observed annually on March 31st, we honor the resilience and unbreakable spirit of transgender, Two-Spirit, and non-binary people, celebrating their diversity and numerous contributions. As part of our efforts to build an inclusive Canada, we encourage Canadians to speak out against the harmful impacts of transphobia and all forms of discrimination.

What is the International Transgender Day of Visibility?


In Canada, this term signifies the continuous effort to mend the relationship between the federal government and Indigenous peoples. It involves recognizing the genocide perpetrated against Indigenous Peoples in Canada and addressing historical injustices, notably the trauma inflicted by residential schools.

What is "Reconciliation"?


This skill is about encouraging and inspiring team members to achieve their best, often through support, motivation, and recognizing individual contributions.

What is “Leadership”


This concept, coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, describes the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, gender, and class, especially as they apply to discrimination and disadvantage.

What is "Intersectionality"?


In this TC club, members practice public speaking and leadership skills through supportive, collaborative meetings and speeches.

What is "TC Toastmasters"?


This date is recognized globally as the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia, dedicated to raising awareness about the discrimination faced by the 2SLGBTQI+ community and promoting inclusion and equality.

What is May 17th?