Name one of the free credit reporting services Action Fraud can recommend.
Clearscore or Credit Karma
Experian and Equifax do have a free trial but are then a subscription service.
What is a good referral for a caller wanting to stop/limit the amount of fraudulent calls they receive?
Telephone Preference Service (TPS) - Helps block unsolicited sales/mass marketing calls for mobiles & landlines.
Which website - Provides advice on how to stop nuisance phone calls.
Callers own phone provider - Providers may have call blocks/guards the caller can utilise.
Your caller has been refused a refund after a fraud. What is the best referral?
Financial Ombudsman - Investigate disputes between financial businesses & customers.
What is a good referral for internet safety and fraud advice?
Get Safe Online - The ‘Get Safe Online’ website covers all cyber and fraud advice for businesses and personnel.
Cyber Aware - The ‘Cyber Aware’ website covers a lot of advice aimed at individuals through to large organisations and cyber security professionals.
NCSC Website
Where can you find the website and phone number for Civil Legal Advice on Advisor XP?
Government, Law & Solicitors Referral Advice
Give two pieces of general advice for a business/organisation to follow to help protect their identity.
• Make all customers aware.
• Put notification of this on website, social media etc.
• Make sure all employees are aware of the situation.
• Provide cyber advice in case there has been a hacking – if email account is hacked, check email filters and forwarding rules.
• Check credit report through a company such as Experian to ensure company details aren’t being used to gain finance.
Name the referral that would be useful when a customer has been a victim of any online buying/selling fraud.
Get Safe Online - Provides advice on protecting yourself while buying/selling online.
What is a useful website for callers trying to claim money back after a scam?
Which - The ‘Which’ website has a section which allows the caller to gain advice on getting their money back after being the victim of fraud.
Your caller is looking to book a holiday and has found a great package deal. What would be a good referral for the caller to make sure the travel agent they are looking to book with is legitimate?
ABTA Travel - Anyone wanting advice on legitimate travel agents.
Where can you find the website to report business or personal tax fraud on Advisor XP?
Reporting fraud to other organisations
The caller already checks their credit report. What other referrals could you provide?
Stop ID Fraud - a website dedicated to providing information on how to protect your identity.
CIFAS - Places a protective warning on a credit file.
Your caller has an issue with a genuine company after a purchase has been made. What would be a good referral?
Citizens Advice Consumer Service - Consumers wanting to know their rights when buying goods/services.
Name three pieces of general advice for card safety that will be helpful for callers.
Never give anyone your bank card or PIN.
If you have online banking which has been accessed get device checked for virus/spyware
Don't log into your online banking from a public WIFI
If your card has been cloned, you may wish to purchase a RFID shield wallet to prevent having your card cloned again in the future
Your caller has met someone via an online dating website. They have exchanged pictures but the caller wants to know how they can check these genuine. What would be a useful referral?
Tin Eye - Allows the user to search an image to check where it has been used etc. which can help in finding out if the image is legitimate.
Where can you find the contact telephone number for CIFAS on Advisor XP?
You can’t!
CIFAS no longer has a number.
How would a caller find out what information is being held on them by a company?
Information Commissioners Office (ICO) - this organisation helps find out what personal information is being held on someone, how to access official reports & how to protect personal details.
What is the recommended payment type when paying for anything via PayPal?
Goods and Services - Paying for goods via "Friends and Family" does not offer any protection to the buyer.
Your caller has been a victim of Mandate Fraud and has sent money to the suspects bank details. What advice should they be given?
Make company or contractor aware of contact been made by suspect purporting to be them.
Contact bank immediately to try & retrieve the money back.
Your caller has given a suspect access to their device/s. Beyond switching off the device and having it checked by a professional what other advice can you provide?
Change passwords on all accounts
Contact your bank if you have online banking on the device
Give ID fraud advice if there is sensitive information on the device (CV's, passport, bill info etc)
Where would you refer a caller who was in an employment dispute and wanted to know their rights and rules?
ACAS - Advisory, Conciliation & Arbitration Service
How would you recommend a caller stop post being sent to, and potentially stolen, from a late relatives address?
Deceased Preference Service - Stops post being sent to a deceased persons home address which can prevent ID Theft.
What advice would you not provide to a caller who has posted an item to a suspect but has not received payment?
Callers should not be referred to their local Police or back to Royal Mail. Neither organisation will be able to stop/intercept a parcel once it has been sent.
Visit the suspect address to try and retrieve their parcel themselves
Your caller was phoned by a suspect claiming to be from their bank, Monzo. What would be the best way for them to contact their bank securely?
Finding the number through an internet search and/or from any official paperwork.
Contacting the bank through an official app.
159 would not be a correct referral on this occasion as not all banks are part of the scheme.
What is the age callers should be cautious when being offered early access to their pension?
55 - Early access is only allowed in very specific circumstances e.g. ill health.
Your caller is over 70 and is seeking advice on power of attorney, money and general legal advice. Where can they be referred to?
Age Uk - the leading charity for older people- Befriending service, advice line, advice on power of attorney, Money & Legal, Health & wellbeing