What is a serious change of our life away from sin and toward God?
A simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.
What is a parable?
The number of sheep the Good Shephard had before one went missing.
What is 100 sheep?
The number of Commandments.
What is 10?
The Sacrament that restores our relationship with God.
What is Reconciliation?
10 Commandments
What is the name of the rules given by God to Moses telling us what is necessary to love God and others?
Turning away from sin with a desire to live closer to God. It is also the action the priest gives after he absolves us in confession.
What is penance?
This person asked for the money he would one day inherit from his father and squandered it.
Who is the Prodigal Son?
The 1st commandment.
What is to have no other gods but the Lord?
When we reconcile with God, the head, we are also restored to the body, also known as this.
What is the Church?
What is the inner voice that helps each of us judge the morality of actions, a follow God's law?
The act of prayerfully thinking about what we have said or done in light of what the Gospel asks of us and reflecting on how our actions have hurt our relationship with God and others. An important step in preparing for Reconciliation.
What is an examination of conscience?
The parable of the prodigal son teaches us this is the reason why God welcomes us home.
What is because He loves us?
The 3rd commandment.
What is to keep holy the Lord's Day?
The first three steps to the Rite of Reconciliation.
What are the sign of the Cross, confessing our sins, and penance?
What is a lessoning of earthly punishment for sin through prayer and acts of charity?
Our prayer in the Sacrament of Reconciliation where we admit our sins, ask for God's forgiveness, and express our purpose not to sin again.
What is an act of contrition?
The three gifts the Father gave his Prodigal son.
What is a fine robe, a gold ring, and new sandals?
The 4th commandment.
What is to honor your father and mother?
The last three steps to the Rite of Reconciliation.
What are the act of contrition, absolution, and the command to "go in peace"?
Sin of commission
What is a deliberate act that is an offense against God and others?
The failure to act when we recognize offenses against God and others or any personal failure to act when one should.
What is a sin of omission?
The Good Shephard parable teaches us these three important lessons.
What are that God is actively involved in our lives, that He loves us totally, and He will never rest until we are found?
The 10 commandments summarized into two commandments.
The two people the priest acts as in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Who are Christ and the leader of the Church community?