What is Reconciliation?
The restoring of our friendship and peace with God and others
What is our conscience?
Helps us to know what is right and what is wrong, what to do and what not to do
What is the state of sin and the loss of our share in God’s life that we got from Adam and Eve?
Original sin
Confession is…
Telling our sins to the priest in the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
Laws that were given to us by God are called the...
Ten Commandments :
What is the Great Commandment?
Jesus teaching us about love to God, others, and ourselves
What is Penance?
a prayer to say or an action to do that shows we are sorry for our sins
What are the Ten Commandments?
Laws given to us by God
Less serious sin that weakens a person’s friendship with God
Venial sin
What is forgiveness?
mercy and pardoning of sin
Very serious sins that break a person’s friendship with God, or turning away from God
Mortal sin
What is a sin?
any thought, word, or action that do even though we know it is wrong
What is a moral choice?
A choice between right and wrong, between obeying one of the commandments and not obeying it
What is an examination of conscience?
thinking about whether or not our choices show love for God, others, and ourselves
What is free will?
God's gift that allows us to make our own choices