Reconsideration Review
True of False

What are the three ways applicants can submit a reconsideration request? 

Web Portal, Email or In Writing/Mailing to office. 

If an applicant has an unfunded DOB Gap but states they never received any funding, or they used the funds on other eligible expenses, Can the applicant can submit a reconsideration request for the Duplication of Benefits Gap?

True : With supporting documentation 


Which office are reconsiderations to be mailed too? 

Hillsborough office. 


The applicant will receive the homeowner scope of work with the Award Determination letter. If the applicant disagrees with the scope of work, they cannot submit a reconsideration request.

False: They can submit ; with supporting documentation such as photos 


Applicants can submit a reconsideration if they disagree with what? 

Duplication of Benefits 

Award Type Determination 

Scope of Work


We as staff can submit the reconsideration using the unity form if the applicant does not have an email address. 

False - Applicant email MUST be used. 


Informal Appeals are reviewed and determined by whom? 

Florida Commerce


If submitted via email, the applicant’s email must be provided to allow us to communicate directly with the applicant.

True: We must be able to contact with the applicant via their email/phone. 


If an applicant disagrees with the reconsideration determination, what can they do and when can they do it? 

Applicant can file an informal appeal within 30 calendar days from the date of the determination letter. 


The reconsideration Process takes about 15 business days when practicable. 

False : 10 business days.