Black Codes
Southern Society
Reconstruction Amendments
Reconstruction Plans

A southern law requiring African Americans to pay a fee in order to vote.

 What were Poll Taxes?


A southerner who sided with the Northern cause and the Republican Party was nicknamed a __________. 

What was a scalawag? 


This Amendment abolished slavery in the United States. 

What was the 13th?


Reconstruction was the time period following the end of the Civil War when the North and South tried to ________.

What was reunite or rebuild?


His plan was called the Ten Percent Plan.

Who was Lincoln? 


This election of 1876 resulted with the end of Reconstruction and who as the 19th President?

Who was Rutherford B. Hayes?


As a result of vagrancy laws (black codes), an African American could be arrested for not having a ___________ contract. 

What was a work contract?


A term used for Northerners who traveled to the South for political and economic gain following the end of the Civil War. 

Who were Carpetbaggers?


These three amendments are known as the Reconstruction Amendments.

What are the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments?


As a result of the Military Reconstruction Act, the Southern states were divided into ____ military districts. 

What was 5? 


His plan allowed former Confederate military and political leaders to ask for amnesty (forgiveness).

Who was Johnson?


Challenges to Jim Crow laws occurred with the Supreme Court Case _________ vs. Ferguson (1896)

Who was Plessy? 


The purpose of the Black Codes was to prevent African Americans from achieving their __________ rights.  

What were their Constitutional rights?


A terrorist organization that used fear, intimidation and violence in an attempt to prevent African Americans from accessing their Constitutional rights. 

Who was the Ku Klux Klan?


This amendment granted African American men the right to vote.

What was the 15th Amendment?


The five military districts were each placed under the control of a Union __________.  

Who was a Union General?


Who favored the Wade-Davis Bill?  

Who were the Radical Republicans? 


This federal agency was created by Congress to help newly freed people and poor whites with such things as jobs, housing, education, and medical care in the South.

What was the Freedmen's Bureau? 


In some southern states it was illegal for African Americans to rent or own _____. 

What was land? 


This system was aimed at keeping African Americans in a slave like status because they were paid with a portion of the harvested crops rather than money. 

What was sharecropping?


This amendment granted all persons born in the U.S. or naturalized in the U.S.  full citizenship rights. 

What is the 14th Amendment?


Who patrolled the southern states during Reconstruction in an effort to ensure equal treatment of the law.

Who were federal (military) troops?


These two Reconstruction plans were similar in that they did not allow former Confederate military and political leaders to seek a pardon. 

What was the Ten Percent Plan and the Radical Republicans Plan?


This President's administration was considered corrupt after multiple scandals surfaced during his second term in office. 

Who was President Grant? 


A loophole that allowed many white southerners to not abide by poll taxes, literacy tests, or prove they owned land in order to vote. 

What was the grandfather clause? 


He encouraged his fellow Southerners to stop fighting and reunite with the North at the end of the Civil War? He was the general of the Confederacy. 

Who was Robert E. Lee?


This Amendment is known as the Due Process Amendment because it guaranteed fair treatment of the law for all citizens.

What was the 14th Amendment?


The political party that wanted to punish the southern confederate states following the Civil War. 

Who were the Radical Republicans? 


This Reconstruction plan divided the South into 5 military districts.  

What was Congressional (Republican) Reconstruction or Military Reconstruction?


Newly freed people migrating out of the South to escape poverty and oppression called themselves ______________. 

Who were Exodusters?