Assassination of Lincoln
Plans & Impeachment
Reconstruction Amendments and Laws
Postwar Life
End of Reconstruction and Tennessee Updates

Where was Lincoln assassinated?

Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C.


Name the three different Reconstruction Plans and who supported them

Ten Percent Plan - Lincoln

Wade-Davis Plan - Radical Republicans

Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction - Andrew Johnson


What laws were passed that split the South up into military districts during Reconstruction?

Reconstruction Acts of 1867


What is sharecropping?

Renting a small plot of land and in return giving a large percentage to the landowner.


What did the Tennessee Constitution of 1870 do to limit black voting rights?

They were required to pay a Poll Tax


Why did John Wilkes Booth kill Lincoln?

He was a Confederate sympathizer who wanted revenge and to give the Confederacy a chance to restart the war.


What was Lincoln's main goal at the start of Reconstruction?

To quickly restore the Union and bring the North and South together once more


List the Reconstruction Amendments and what each of them did

13th Amendment - Abolished Slavery

14th Amendment - Established Citizenship

15th Amendment - Gave Voting Rights


Why was the KKK created?

Some Southerners were upset about losing power and being forced to incorporate former slaves into society and resorted to violence as a result


Who was the first African-American to be elected to the Tennessee Legislature?

Sampson W. Keeble


Describe what happened to John Wilkes Booth following his murder of Lincoln.

John Wilkes Booth was on the run for two weeks before being caught and killed by Union troops.


Who consistently fought each other as a point of conflict over whose Reconstruction plans would be used?

Andrew Johnson and the Radical Republicans


Other than Black Codes, what are the laws passed by southern states that barred mixing of the races in most aspects of everyday life?

Jim Crow Laws


What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau?

The purpose was to provide assistance to former slaves and help them acclimate to life as free people


Who was Tennessee governor in the 1860s? What formed in response to his rule?

William Brownlow; The KKK


What was unique about Andrew Johnson and helped get him chosen to be Lincoln's VP?

He was a Southern Democratic Senator and the only one to remain loyal to the Union during the Civil War

Why did Congress impeach Andrew Johnson? What law(s) was involved, who was involved and what was the result of his impeachment?

Congress impeached Andrew Johnson because he violated the Tenure of Office Act by firing Edwin Stanton, but he was acquitted of impeachment by the Senate.


In what court case was the concept of "separate but equal" established?

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)


Name two other types of people that the KKK would persecute and what their characteristics are:


- White southerners who cooperated politically with black freedmen and Northern newcomers. 


- Name given to northern whites who went south to start businesses or to pursue political careers during Reconstruction 


Describe how Reconstruction came to an end

Democrats let Hayes have the presidency if he agreed to ending Reconstruction in the South by pulling troops out of the South and relinquishing Republican control

What type of play did Lincoln go to see the night he was killed? Where was his funeral held?

- A British Comedy

- Springfield, Illinois (I will accept just the state as an answer)


Who were the leaders of the Radical Republicans? Who proposed the Radical Republicans' plan for Reconstruction? And what oath was required as a part of their plan?

- Charles Sumner, Thaddeus Stevens

- Benjamin Wade and Henry Davis

- Ironclad Oath


What was the first law to give citizenship to African Americans? Also, which two laws did the Radical Republicans pass to challenge Andrew Johnson

- Civil Rights Act of 1866

- Command of the Army Act and the Tenure of Office Act


What laws were passed in the 1870s to try and deal with the KKK? Also, who was the first African American senator?

Enforcement Laws; Hiram Revels


Why did Congress have to determine the winner of the Election of 1876? What did Congress' decision lead to?

4 States had disputed voting returns on their ballots, so Congress had to step in to determine who the winner was, and this led to the Compromise of 1877.