Lincoln's Plan
Wade Davis Bill & Johnson's Plan
13th Amendment
14th & 15th Amendment
Plessy v. Ferguson and Justic John Marshall

What was the main goal of Lincoln's Plan for Reconstruction?

To reunite the nation and restore the Southern states to the Union.


What was the Wade-Davis Bill and how was it different from Lincoln's Bill?

A proposal for Reconstruction that required a majority of white male citizens in a state to take a loyalty oath. Lincoln required 10% 


What did the 13th Amendment accomplish?

It abolished slavery in the United States.


What rights does the 14th Amendment guarantee?

 It guarantees citizenship and equal protection under the law.


What was the main issue in the Plessy v. Ferguson case and what was the Supreme Court's ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson?

The principle of separate vs. equal and the Supreme Court  ruled by a vote of 7-1 against Homer Plessy, a mixed ethnicity man who made a point to sit in the whites-only section of a train car in New Orleans. 


Name one requirement for Southern states to rejoin the Union under Lincoln's Plan.

A requirement was that 10% of voters in a state had to take an oath of allegiance.


Which group of Congress members primarily supported the Wade-Davis Bill?

Radical Republicans primarily supported the Wade-Davis Bill.


What year was it ratified?



How did the 14th Amendment impact citizenship?

The 14th Amendment granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the U.S.


Why does Justice Harlan say that segregation cannot be justified  upon any legal grounds?

There is no superior, there should only be equality, therefore it cannot be justified. 


How did Lincoln's Plan differ from more stringent approaches to Reconstruction?

 Lincoln's Plan was more lenient and focused on forgiveness rather than punishment.


What percentage of votes have to take oath of allegiance and passes both houses of Congress?



What was the impact of the 13th Amendment on slavery?

 It legally ended the institution of slavery.


What impact has this had on US history?

It changed history a lot because colored people were allowed to have citizenship.


What percentage of voters did Lincoln propose needed to take an oath of allegiance for a state to be readmitted?

Lincoln proposed that 10% of the voters needed to take an oath of allegiance.


Andrew Johnson succeeded Lincoln as president and what did he want from the states?

A key element was the pardon of most Confederates who would swear loyalty to the Union.


Name one exception to the abolition of slavery mentioned in the 13th Amendment.

Slavery could still be used as punishment for a crime.


What does the 15th Amendment protect and when was the 15th Amendment ratified?

It protects the rights of citizens of the US to vote regardless of their race, color, or previous condition of servitude. 1870


What was the significance of Lincoln's "10 Percent Plan"?

Lincoln's "10 Percent Plan" was significant because it aimed to facilitate a quicker reconciliation.


What reaction did Johnson's Plan provoke from Congress and what was the ultimate fate of Johnson's Plan?

Congress rejected Johnson's plan and sought to implement their own, leading to tensions and Johnson's Plan ultimately failed to achieve its goals and faced significant opposition.


How did the 13th Amendment set the stage for future civil rights movements?

It set the foundation for future civil rights advancements by establishing freedom for former slaves.


What impact did the 15th Amendment have on the  Women's Suffrage movement?

Women still had the silent treatment so it changed it a lot. Women got upset and wanted to fight for their right to vote.