Lincoln’s plan called for 10% of southern voters in each state to do what?
Take loyalty oath to the Union
In 1865, Congress proposed the Thirteenth Amendment, which would do what?
Abolish slavery
What did the Civil Rights Act of 1866 seek to do?
Abolish Black Codes
The Compromise of 1877 granted Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency in exchange for what?
Removal of federal troops from the South
1st President to have his veto overturned by Congress and also 1st to be impeached
Andrew Johnson
Under his reconstruction plan, what did General William Sherman propose to give to freed slaves?
40 Acres and a mule
Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted citizenship rights to African Americans?
14th Amendment
During Reconstruction, why did Republicans dominate new state governments?
Because of the support of newly Freed Slaves who voted Republican
What term refers to well-educated northerners who moved to the South to capitalize on Reconstruction?
Radical Republican and one of the biggest driving forces behind reconstruction
Similar to Lincoln's plan, what was one main consequence of Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction plan?
Failed to give protections to African Americans
“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied… on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude” is the main text of which document?
15th Amendment
What was the most independent farming arrangement for both parties in the South during Reconstruction?
Tenant farming
What act was passed to make it easier for southern states to reenter the Union by maintaining order until new state governments could be established
Military Reconstruction of 1867
Outspoken against segregation, believe African Americans should have immediate equal rights
W.E.B. Dubois
Radical Reconstructionists called for what three things in their proposed plan?
50% loyalty oath, harsh punishments for Confederates, full citizenship for African Americans
What was a major loophole regarding the 13th Amendment?
The process of accusing a public official of wrongdoing while in office that could result in their removal?
Which action of President Johnson’s directly led to his impeachment?
Firing a Cabinet member without Senate approval/ going against Tenure of Office Act
Despite winning the popular vote, he comes up one electoral vote short of becoming President
Samuel Tilden
What was the name of the bill passed by Radical Redconstructionists that Lincoln refused to sign?
Wade-Davis Act
With momentum for Reconstruction beginning to lessen, the Supreme Court began to chip away at the equal protection under the law provided to African Americans under the 14th Amendment. Which cases attacked this right? (must know both)
US v. Cruikshank
The Slaughterhouse Cases
“Separate but equal” became a common segregation phrase after which Supreme Court decision?
Plessy v. Ferguson
What were two ways Southern governments denied voting rights?
Poll tax, land ownership, literacy test, grandfather clause, secret ballots, Klan violence/intimidation
Investigative journalist who dedicated their newspaper to investigating & exposing lynching crimes
Ida B Wells