Author of The Frontier Thesis.
Who is Frederick Jackson Turner.
Where John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln.
Where is Ford's Theatre?
Amendment that grants citizenship to all born in America.
What is the 14th Amendment?
The nickname for the contentious election between Rutherford B. Hayes and Samuel Tilden that brought about the end of Reconstruction.
What is the Compromise of 1877?
The term used in economics for the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.
What is monopoly?
Vice President of Lincoln from Tennessee who became president after Lincoln's Assassination.
Who is Andrew Johnson?
Famous immigration center in New York Harbor.
What is Ellis Island?
America's first "big business" and single most important factor of post-war growth.
What is the railroad?
Reason why the Irish left Ireland for America.
What is the Potato Famine?
View of the Civil War held by Southern Redeemers and Ku Klux Klan that painted the North as a tyrannical aggressor against the noble Southern way of life.
What is the "Lost Cause?"
Gilded Age Tycoon who founded Standard Oil.
Who is John Rockefeller?
Prominent Midwestern city whose population grew three times during the Gilded Age.
What is Chicago?
Samuel Gompers was one of the main leaders in this movement that sought fair conditions for workers.
What are unions?
Andrew Johnson's disregard for the Tenure of Office act and subsequent firing of various Radical officials led to Congress taking this action.
What is impeachment trial?
System of land tenancy developed in the post-war South to account for the lack of money and abundance of land to be farmed.
What is sharecropping?
Most powerful Radical Republican member of the House during Reconstruction.
Who is Thaddeus Stevens?
Starting Point of the Oregon Trail outside of modern day Kansas City.
Where is Independence, Missouri?
Name for the tightly packed housing where millions of urban dwellers lived during the Gilded Age.
What are tenements?
Act passed By Abraham Lincoln that opened the West up to settlement by giving 160 acres to anyone willing to cultivate the land.
What is the Homestead Act?
Andrew Carnegie was know for his business model of owning every aspect of production from the mining of ore to the creation of steel.
What is vertical integration?
Leader of the infamous Democratic Tammany Hall political machine in New York City during the mid 1800s.
Who is William "Boss" Tweed?
Location in Utah where the Transcontinental Railroad was connected with the Golden Spike.
Where is Promontory Point?
War-time organization set up by the union military in the South to provide services and aid to former slaves.
What is the Freedman's Bureau?
Battle in which George Armstrong Custer was killed and his force of American Cavalry defeated by a band of Lakota warriors.
What is the Battle of Little Bighorn?
Political term for the process that occurred after the Civil War in which the Federal Government began assuming powers and rights that had previously been delegated to state governments.
What is incorporation?