Civil War
Resistance to Slavery
Plessy V.Ferguson
Political Cartoons
Documents to "read"

A war between citizens of the same country. 

What is a Civil War?


The condition of being owned by, and forced to work for someone else.

What is slavery?


The rebuilding of the South after the Civil War during 1864-1876.

What is reconstruction?


The doctrine that racial segregation is constitutional as long as the facilities provided for blacks and whites are roughly equal.

What is "separate but equal"?


The message of this cartoon:

What is President Lincoln giving the confederacy one last chance to abolish slavery? 

(President Lincoln is holding an axe about to chop down a thin tree marked slavery. At the top of the tree, a man is desperately holding on. The man at the top represents the Confederacy trying to hold on to slavery as Lincoln destroys it.)



The United States or the Northern Army during the Civil War. 

What is The Union?


covert resistance—breaking tools, feigning illness, sabotaging production.

What is passive resistance?


Southern laws designed to restrict the rights of the newly freed black slaves. 

What are Black Codes?


Law passed in Louisiana in 1890 “providing for separate railway carriages for the white and colored races.”

What is the Separate Car Act?


The message of this cartoon:

What is the Union would not fall to the South. The donkey, named South Carolina, cannot pull down the Union?



The Southern Army during the Civil War 

What is the Confederacy?


Overt, possibly physical resistance—running away, setting fires, violent revolt.

What is active resistance?


The amendment to the US Constitution that ended slavery throughout the country. 

What is the Thirteenth Amendment?


Shoemaker whose one act of civil disobedience helped inspired future generations of the Civil Rights Movement. He challenged Louisiana  segregation legislation by refusing to move from a "whites only" railcar in 1896

Who is Homer Plessy?


The message of this cartoon:

What is each of the southern states riding various animals off a cliff to signify how the southern states' decision to secede from the Union was comparable to driving themselves off a cliff?



To withdraw formally from a union, alliance, or membership.

What is to secede?


Oldest City in the United States, which  became a refuge for fugitive slaves that pledged loyalty to Spain, converted to Catholicism, and joined the Colonial Militia.

What is St Augustine Florida?


The  amendment to the US Constitution that defined citizenship and extended US citizenship to former slaves. It also prevented states from restricting the basic rights of citizens or other persons. 

What is the Fourteenth Amendment?


Group of New Orleans residents, who sought to repeal the Separate Car Act, that asked Plessy, who was technically black under Louisiana law, to sit in a "whites only" car of a Louisiana train.

What is the Committee of Citizens?


The message of this cartoon:

What is men attempting to dodge the draft because they were against conscription since they felt they were not involved in the politics that led to the Civil War?



The President of the Confederacy during the Civil War

Who was Jefferson Davis?


Slave uprising, just outside of Charleston, led by roughly twenty men that culminated with the death of sixty people.

What is the Hutchinson’s Rebellion?


A government agency founded during Reconstruction to help former slaves. 

What is the Freedmen's Bureau?


Landmark 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the “separate but equal” doctrine.

What is the Homer V. Ferguson?


The message of this cartoon:

What is northerners that sympathize with the Confederate cause should commit entirely and not complain? (This cartoon is mocking Confederate "sympathsizers" who wished to side with the South in word rather than practice. Numerous people wished to support the Confederacy, but were unwilling to deal with the economic ramifications that came along with that position.)



That Black people, whether free or enslaved, could not be American citizens and were thus constitutionally unable to sue for citizenship in the federal courts.

What is the central point of the Dred Scott decision?


French colony that produced the world's largest concentration of coffee and sugar as well as had the largest concentraton of slaves in the Western Hemisphere.

What is St. Domingue?


The  amendment to the Constitution that prohibited the restriction of voting rights "on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."  

What is the Fifteenth Amendment?


The author of these words, "The object of the [Fourteenth] Amendment was undoubtedly to enforce the absolute equality of the two races before the law, but in the nature of things it could not have been intended to abolish distinctions based upon color, or to enforce social, as distinguished from political, equality, or a commingling of the two races upon terms unsatisfactory to either."

Who is Justice Henry Billings Brown?


The message of this cartoon:

What is George Brinton McClellan is the peace keeper between Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis who are fighting over a large map of the United States with a tear down the center?