What laws were created after Reconstruction to enforce segregation in the South?
Jim Crow Laws
Became President after Lincoln was Assassinated, from the South, got Impeached
Andrew Johnson
Ended Slavery in the US, except as punishment for a Crime
13th Amendment
Under Radical Reconstruction, State constitutions needed to be approved by who?
What group formed in the South to resist change after the Civil War
Ku Klux Klan
Term used for Northerners who moved to the South to make a profit off of Recon.
Early Civil Rights Leader, Supported Grant for President,
Frederick Douglas
Under Radical Reconstruction states had to ratify which amendment?
14th Amendment
Under Johnsons plan, what rules came about for African Americans to more easily send them to jail and then Slavery
Black Codes
Poll Tax
Literacy Test
Grandfather Clauses
Group of Republicans who opposed slavery and wanted a harsh recon.
Radical Republicans
First African-American to serve in Congress, Born in North Carolina
Hiram Revels
Granted African American Men the right to vote, right to vote cannot be denied due to color/race
Under Radical Reconstruction, the South is divided into what?
(5) Military Zones
What was Sharecropping?
Farmers who had to rent land off of another farmer and paid in their crops
An organization created by the government to help educate freedmen.
Freedman's Bureau
Escaped from Slavery, Started SC Public Schools, Represented SC in Congress
Robert Smalls
Under Johnson's plan for Reconstruction, states must ratify which amendment?
13th Amendment
What Former Union General becomes President in 1868 after Johnson's failures?
Ulysses S. Grant
Booker T Washington Thought the best way for African Americans to gain higher status was to
Learn a trade/vocational school
Corrupt deal between Dems and Repubs to end Recon. and name Rutherford B. Hayes as President
Compromise of 1877
Leader of the Radical Republicans, helped get Johnson Impeached
Thaddeus Stevens
Amendment that bans states from restricting the basic rights of citizens based on color, race, etc.
14th Amendment
What does Abraham Lincoln want out of reconstruction
What law was passed to ban terror or bribery to prevent voting
Force Act of 1870