Black Codes
Reconstruction Plans
Reconstruction Videos
After Civil War

Action by House of Reps to accuse the president, vice president, or other civil officers of the US of committing “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes & Misdemeanors”

What is to impeach?


No person or corporation shall require any white female nurse to nurse in wards or rooms in hospitals, either public or private, in which Black men are placed. (Alabama)

What is the nursing Black Code in Alabama?


A state had to have a majority of its borders take the oath of loyalty. A state must formally abolish slavery. No confederate officials could participate in the new government. 

What is the Wade-Davis Bill's plan for Reconstruction?


Nov 1865, Andrew Johnson passed oppressive laws only applicable to African Americans.

What are the Black Codes?

About 610,000 deaths. 

What is the amount of accumulative deaths in the North and South after the Civil War?


Acquisition of money or political power through illegal or dishonest methods.

What is graft?


The marriage of a person of white blood with a Black person, Mongolian, Malaysian, or Hindu shall be null and void. (Arizona)

What is the intermarriage Jim Crow Law of Arizona?


Pardons would be granted to those taking a loyalty oath. No pardons would be available to high Confederate officials and and persons owning property valuing in excess of $20,000. A state needs to needs to abolish slavery before being admitted.

What is the Johnson's plan for Reconstruction?


Robert Smalls (S.C.) escaped slavery, served in the US Navy, one of Buford's 1st heroes of Reconstruction. “Steal freedom, seize freedom”

Who is the 1st Black Congressman? 


Left impoverished, dress in former slave clothes, prices continue to increase, scarcity of food/meat, angry about new circumstances, complained about “lazy freedmen", southern belles scared walking alone down streets, accused freed people of nefarious activity, can’t get over slaves being freed.

What is white's condition in the South following the Civil War?


Loosely organized, secret, racist, and anti-Semitic society/group of political & social terrorists in the South. Focused upon commiting extreme acts of violence to achieve its goals of racial segregation & white supremacy. 

What is the Klu Klux Klan?


The schools for white children and the schools for black children shall be conducted separately. (Florida)

What is the education Black Code in Florida?


Take an oath to obey slave laws and you would be pardoned. High ranking confederate officials are excluded. A new government could be created when 1/10 of voters in the election take the oath. 

What is Lincoln's 10% plan for Reconstruction?


Taught in a school, took a bus as transportation. One day the conductor told her she had to move from the ladies car, she bit him, they dragged her out while white men and women applauded the conductor.  

Who is Ida B. Wells?


Filled with signs of struggle, busy towns resulted in burnt ruins, plantations and farms left with broken down houses and fencing, livestock slaughtered, railroad tracks pulled up, all with thousands of newly freed people testing out their meanings of freedom.

What is the South following the Civil War?


Political party whose views were “radical”, differing from other parties. Supported black people & fighting for their cause. 

What are the Radical Republicans?


The officer in charge shall not bury, or allow to be buried, any non-white persons upon grounds set apart or used for the burial of white people. (Georgia)

What is the burial Jim Crow law in Georgia?


Revenge, to punish the South for causing the war, concern for freedmen, its federal’s government role the transition them from slavery to freedom, and political concerns, wanted their party in power in the North & South. As well as maintaining their wartime agenda supporting: protective tariffs, pro-business national banking system, liberal land policies, and federal aid for railroad development.

What is the Radical Republican's plan for Reconstruction?


Monumentally racist piece of propaganda. 

What is The Birth of a Nation by D.W. Griffith?


Didn't know to do with their new freedom, some went back to mistresses & masters confused, didn’t have places to go, things to wear, things to eat, some got sick and died without treatment, they were scattered, seemed like 4-5 years before they got homes, white people can’t get over black peoples freedom; still perpetuated in bondage culture, were free from master but not free from society, no money, property, or friends. 

What is black people's condition in the South following the Civil War?


Scandal exposed in 1875, involving diversion of tax revenues in conspiracy amongst government agents, politicians, whiskey distillers, & distributors.

What is "Whiskey Ring"?


The board of trustees shall maintain a separate building on separate ground for the admission, care, instruction, and support of all blind persons of the non-white or black race. (Louisiana)  

What is the blind Jim Crow law in Louisiana?


Most Northerners believed this plan impacted the North for a chance to succeed. The North felt pretty good since slavery had to be abolished in order to be readmitted. In December, Congress refused to seat the Southern representatives. Reconstruction had another deadlock between the president and Congress.The South was mad because they didn't want to abolish slavery for labor. 

What is the North and South's response to Johnson's plan for Reconstruction?


Allocated equal access to hotels, restaurants, theaters, public transportation to black people. 

What is the Civil Rights Act of 1875?

  1. honest attempt to restore south 

  2. recognizing former slaves weren’t on the same intellectual, moral, or social level as whites, they were to protect black people from society and society from their “laziness and ignorance”

What is justification for Black Codes?