Native Americans
Poll Taxes, Literacy Tests and Grandfather Clauses were used to
Prevent African Americans from exercising their rights to vote
What are Indian Reservations?
Specially designated plots of land where Native Americans were sent to live
People who got land from the Homestead Act were called
What is the Transcontinental Railroad?
A railroad that crosses a continent
These laws created legal segregation throughout the South
Jim Crow Laws
Plan for Reconstruction that preferred bringing the South back into the Union over punishing the South
Presidential plan, Lincoln's 10% plan,
When Native Americans came into conflict with white settlers, the US government forced the Native Americans to
Live on reservations
What was the political party that farmers supported in the late 1800s? (Hint: the name means "for the common man.")
The Populist Party
How did the railroad encourage Westward expansion?
Makes it easier and cheaper for people to move and settle out west Makes it easier and cheaper for goods to be shipped back and forth across the country
What was the Homestead Act?
An effort by the federal government to encourage settlement west of the Mississippi River 160 acres of land free, had to live on that land and farm it for 5 years.
This plan for Reconstruction preferred punishing the South over reuniting the country
Radical Republican's Plan, Wade Davis Bill
What was one effect that Westward Expansion had on Native Americans?
They were forced to assimilate into American culture through the Dawes Act, they lost their ancestral homes and were forced to live on reservations,
What were some of the problems faced by Farmers in the Midwest?
Weather/climate of the Great Plains Debt High Railroad shipping costs High costs of manufactured goods High interest rates on borrowed money
What was one negative effect of the Railroad?
The buffalo population significantly decreased.
What were the Reconstruction Amendments? (13,14,15)
13: Abolished slavery 14: Every person born in the US is a citizen and is given equal protection of the law 15: extended voting rights to African American males over 21
This was an economic system where a landowner would lease out portions of their land to people, who would in return pay a share of their crops to the landowner
The main difference between Native Americans hunting and killing buffalo and the killing of buffalo by American settlers was that
Native Americans used every part of the buffalo and only killed what they needed, and American settlers did not.
What was the Free Silver movement and who wanted it?
Using both silver and gold to back the US dollar. Farmers wanted it because they thought it would put more money in the US economy, raise the prices of their crops and make it easier for them to pay their loans back
How did the government encourage the building of the Transcontinental Railroad?
Subsidies! Money from the government given to businesses or companies to encourage them to expand.
Who were the Ku Klux Klan, and why did they form?
Ku Klux Klan (KKK) a violent, racist group who attempted to use violence and intimidation to prevent blacks from exercising their rights.
How did the status of African Americans change after the end of Reconstruction?
African Americans faced increasing discrimination and segregation
"From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever." Who said this? Why did he say it?
Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce His people are no longer able to fight the American settlers
The Interstate Commerce Act
Federal law designed to regulate the railroad industry Required that railroad rates be "reasonable and just"
What was the most significant impact of the Transcontinental Railroad?
Gives the ability to move people and goods cheaper and faster Increases/encourages interstate commerce
The population growth in California and other western territories was a result of
The gold rush in the 1840's.