Analyze It!
Beginning of Reconstruction
Odds and Ends
End of Reconstruction
Date and cartoonist of Cartoon 2?
What 1874 and Thomas Nast?
The KKK stands for
What is the Ku Klux Klan
This man became president after Lincoln was assassinated.
Who is Andrew Johnson?
Laws that passed during Reconstruction to limit freedmen (blacks) rights.
What was Black Codes?
The official end of Reconstruction.
What is the Compromise of 1877.
The difference in perspective of Cartoon 1 & Cartoon 2.
What is Cartoon 1 is supporting African Americans getting the right to vote. In Cartoon 2 is representing the African Americans as animals, and pointing out corruption taking place in the republican run government.
Three groups that the KKK targeted.
What is blacks, carpbetbaggers, scalawags?
Two physical items that needed to be fix or rebuilt during Reconstruction.
What is cities, factories, churches, bridges, railroads, barns, etc.?
Amount of harvest that a sharecropper must give the land owner?
What is half the harvest?
The person who became president following the election of 1876.
Who is Rutherford B. Hayes
The audience in which the KKK threat of 1868 is trying to reach.
What is the freedmen, carpetbaggers and scalawags?
The KKK dressed up as.
What is ghosts of the dead rebel soldiers?
Two nonphysical items that needed to be rebuilt.
What is reuniting the nation, relationship between the north and south, families, economy, trust, etc.
Sec. 7. . . . No negro who is not in the military service shall be allowed to carry fire-arms, or any kind of weapons, within the parish, without the special written permission of his employers, approved and indorsed by the nearest and most convenient chief of patrol. . . . stated what
What is African Americans cannot carry a weapon without written permission.
Three type of black codes passed by southern states.
What is poll tax, literacy test, vagrancy, labor contracts, curfews, grandfather clause, land restrictions, serving on juries, etc.
Unwelcome Guest Political Cartoon. Answer 1 & 2.
What 1. is negative light. Based on his eyes, facial expression, body posture. 2. Don't want any part of carpetbaggers or radical reconstruction. Carpetbaggers were unwelcome and disliked in the South.
Three ways that the KKK terrorized people.
What is whippings, lynchings, midnight rides, silent parades, burning crosses.
Three new freedoms that freedmen gained following the Civil War.
What is movement, to own land, marriage, religion, choice of occupation, education, etc.
Sharecropping contract- why people were stuck in a cycle of debt.
What is high interest on loan, only can work for contracted person, needed to do a lot of other things besides planting/harvesting 20 acres of land (make railroad ties, needed to pay to package harvest, etc)
The agreements of the Compromise of 1877.
Rutherford B. Hayes would become president with the agreement that he removes all federal troops from the South, federal money given to improve transportation infrastructure, Hays must appoint conservative southern cabinet members?
Political Cartoon: Scandal in the Grant Administration. Answer Question 1 & 2.
What is Tammany Ring, Canal Ring, Whiskey Ring, Press Ring, State Ring, County Ring, etc. 2. Like an ostrich not addressing the problems/scandals & ignores them.
The goal of the KKK.
What is to maintain white supremacy and oppose Radical Republican Congress.
Freedmen's Bureau assisted former slaves and war refugees.
What is education, medical aid, food, clothing, reuniting families, transportation, fair wages.
Two successes and two failures of Reconstruction.
Successes-republicans carried out their two main goals- to rebuild the south and to help repair the war torn south, reconstructed stimulated economic growth in the south and created new wealth in the north, 14th & 15th amendment passed, Freedmen's Bureau helped many black families, southern states adopted public schools. Failures- blacks remained in a cycle of poverty, KKK, racist attitudes towards African Americans stilled existed, Reconstruction left bitter feelings towards federal government and the Republican Party, south slow to industrialize.
The ways the South tried to expand their economy during Reconstruction.
What is textile mills and tobacco manufacturing?