What does PAWS stand for?
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome
What literature is involved in completing the 12 steps?
The big book, 12 and 12, Grape Vine, As Bill Sees it
What medication reverses opioid overdose?
What is the opposite of addiction?
What is an example of an unhealthy coping skill?
Using substances, lashing out, substituting one substance for another
How long can PAWS last?
18 months to 2 years
What is last step of the 12-step program?
Helping yourself by helping others in addiction
What medications are anti-craving?
Naltrexone and Vivitrol
What are the 3 stages of relapse?
1. Mental
2. Physical
3. Emotional
What are some healthy coping skills?
Self-care, yoga, self-soothing, reaching out for support, sleeping, breathing, exercise, meditation, journaling, gratitude, laughing
What does acronym HALT stand for?
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
What is the spiritual principle for step 1?
What medication makes you sick if you drink alcohol while taking it?
What two places can you break the cycle of addiction?
Before the phenomenon of cravings or after the solution
What does the acronym STOP stand for?
Take a step back
Proceed Mindfully
What are the symptoms?
Mood lability, anxiety, depression, fatigue, poor sleep, difficulty concentrating, lack of motivation
What do we admit in step 1 for AA?
We are powerless?
What is the main ingredient of suboxone?
What emotions does the "well-known spree" lead to?
guilt, shame, remorse
What does TIPP stand for?
Intense exercise
Paced Breathing
Progressive muscle relaxation
There is no obvious trigger for most episodes of PAWs? T/F
When was the first edition of the Big Book published?
What is the main chemical impacting the reward system in the brain?
What are the 5 neurotransmitters affected by addiction?
dopamine, opioids, GABA, glutamate, seratonin
What is the acronym DEARMAN used for?
Communicating effectively