Systems used to identify token
What is Transaction Inquiry and Visa?
What case status lets you know there is an active dispute?
What is "Fraud Dispute Delivered 100.00% Acq Liability?
This is used when searching for the entire token id
What is "Transaction Inquiry"?
One transaction in claim. Decision made to decline.
What are prefabs: Reasonable Investigation Complete; pending approval/finality
System used to respond to merchant
What is "Visa"?
When merchant has responded to dispute
What is "Fraud Dispute Pre Arb Received"?
This is used when pulling claims
What is "CCS"?
Decision made to reverse p/c on the entire claim
What are prefabs: Action Taken 10.4 and Queue Action Taken?
System use to identify all credits
What is "Customer Assist"?
When merchant hasn't responded to dispute and it's too late
What is "Fraud Dispute Pre-Arb Timeframe Expired"?
This is used when identifying case statuses
What is "Visa"?
Two transactions in claim. One transaction was decline but the other transaction shows "Fraud Dispute Delivered 100.00% Acq Liability"
What are prefabs: Action Taken 10.4, Preliminary Reasonable Investigation Completed; Awaiting 3rd party response?
One way to identify transactions in claim?
What is "financials" in CCS?
No compelling evidence presented by the merchant
What is "Fraud Dispute - Pre Arb declined"?
This is used when identifying merchant credit
What is "Customer Assist"?
All transactions in claim have been worked and status code in CCS appears as Code: 45
What are prefabs: Reasonable Investigation Complete; pending approval/finality; Action Taken 10.4 and Queue Action Taken
GL ticket not created in CCS, what prefab to use?
What is "Preliminary Reasonable Investigation Completed; Awaiting 3rd party response, Action Taken 10.4; Queue Action Taken?
Merchant has accepted responsibility
What is "Fraud Dispute - Accepted by Acquirer"?
This is used to capture and assist with details of the claim
What is "Notegen"?
Two transactions in claim. One transaction declined and the other transaction appear as "Fraud Dispute Delivered 100.00% Acq Liability but status code in CCS shows 08 (closed)
What are prefabs: Action Taken 10.4 and Queue Action Taken?