Your Recovery
Famous People

This goes around the world but stays in a corner. What am I?

What is a Stamp?


What is the most commonly abused drug across the nation?

What is Marijuana?


___________ are people, places or things that cause people to have thoughts associated with substance use.

What is triggers?


The physical and psychological symptoms that occur when a person stops or reduces their use of a substance to which they are addicted is known as?

What is Withdrawal?


Name 1 healthy coping skill that has helped you maintain your recovery.

*Everyone share 1!! 

What is walking, going to the gym, yoga, breathing exercises, journaling, mindfulness exercises, listening to music, etc.?


This young male rap artist  died of an overdose by ingesting drugs while on his private jet. Who is he?

Who is Juice World?


What can’t talk on its own but will reply when spoken to?

What is An Echo?


This legal substance has been used and abused for thousands of years. What is it?

What is Alcohol?


______ increases as one continues to use, requiring one to need more of the substance to feel the same high. 

What is tolerance?


This neurotransmitter is responsible for you pleasure sensation that play a major role in substance use and addiction. What is it?

What is dopamine?


Name at least 1 type of recovery support group. 

*Everyone name 1 different one!

What is SMART Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, AA, NA, MA, CA, CODA, etc.?


Which artist has albums named "Relapse" and "Recovery"?

Who is Eminem? 

Fact: Has 10+ years sober


I have no middle, beginning, or end. What am I?

What is a Donut?


What is the legal ingredient in cough syrup?

What is DXM?


A strong desire or urge to use the substance. Can result from wanting to relieve the withdrawal symptoms. Is called?

What is a craving?


Withdrawal from what 2 substance can cause agitation, fever, hallucinations, seizures, severe confusion, and even death?

What are Alcohol and Benzodiazepines?


The practice of taking an active role in regularly doing things that improve your well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress is known as?

What is Self-Care?

*Everyone share one thing you do for self-care.


This female actress, producer, author, and activist known for her roles in the Halloween films. Who is she?

Who is Jamie Lee Curtis?

Fact: she has been sober for 20+ years.


I am made of metal surrounded by wood. Everyone uses me, what am I?

What is a Pencil?


This is the fastest addicting drug. 

What is Nicotine?


When a person returns back to their old habits/ addictive behaviors is called what?

What is a Relapse?


A person who has achieved long-term recovery and volunteers to support and guide someone in early recovery through a 12-step program is called?

What is a Sponsor?


What is "ambivalence?" 

What is mixed feelings- unsure if they are ready or even want to begin recovery?


Who is known as the "King of Rock and Roll"?

Who is Elvis Presley?

Fact: had 14 drugs in his system when he passed. 


What starts with "t" ends with "t" and is filled with t?

What is a Teapot?


What are the known withdrawals from Marijuana?

What is headaches, mood swings, sweating, shaking, loss of appetite, loss of sleep?


A behavioral syndrome characterized by the repeated, compulsive seeking or use of a substance despite adverse social, psychological, and/or physical consequences, and a need for an increased amount of the substance, as time goes on, to achieve the same effect is known as what?

What is Addiction?


Process of learning to live without drugs is known as what?

What is Recovery?


What is one thing you lost in your recovery AND what is one thing you gained in your recovery?

Everyone share!


This female musician was asked to go to rehab and she  said "no, no, no". Thereafter, she died of a drug overdose. Who is she?

Who is Amy Winehouse?