This is the first action someone must take in the 12 Steps to begin their recovery journey.”
What is admitting powerlessness over addiction and that life has become unmanageable (Step 1)
This phrase is often used to remind us to focus on the present and avoid overwhelming ourselves.
What is ‘One day at a time’?
This term refers to anything that causes a craving or urge to use substances.
What is a trigger?
Avoiding triggers is the only way to stay sober. (T/F)
False. Learning to cope with triggers is key, as avoiding them completely may not be realistic.
This means setting limits to protect your emotional, mental, and physical well-being
What are healthy boundaries?
This step emphasizes asking for help from a Higher Power to remove our shortcomings.
What is Step 7?
This term refers to someone who guides others through the 12 Steps and supports their recovery journey.
What is a sponsor?
Calling a sponsor, attending a meeting, and practicing mindfulness are examples of this.
What are strategies for dealing with a trigger?
Spontaneous, often negative thoughts that arise in response to situations and can influence emotions and behavior. (CBT)
Putting someone else’s needs above your own to the detriment of your well-being is a sign of this.
What is codependency?
This step involves making a list of people we have harmed and becoming willing to make amends to them.
What is Step 8?
This phrase refers to the length of time someone has been sober.
What is clean time?
This recovery method stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired and helps prevent relapse.
What is HALT?
The Stages of Change.
What is pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and relapse?
Doing things that allow someone to continue harmful behaviors, such as making excuses for their actions, is called this.
What is enabling?
This step is described as taking a fearless and searching moral inventory of ourselves.
What is Step 4?
This phrase means releasing control and trusting in a Higher Power.
What is ‘Let Go and Let God’?
This plan helps ensure you can safely leave challenging situations in recovery.
What is an exit strategy?
A 3 word phrase that means to see what will likely occur if you relapsed.
What is "Play The Tape"
The difference between helping and enabling.
What is helping supports recovery, while enabling allows harmful behaviors to continue?
This step focuses on continuing to take personal inventory and promptly admitting when we are wrong.
What is Step 10?
This term refers to the feeling of euphoria and optimism often experienced in the initial stages of sobriety.
What is the pink cloud?
Shifting the perspective on a trigger to reduce its power, such as viewing a triggering memory as a reminder of how far one has come rather than a source of pain.
What is "Cognitive Reframing"?
The belief that one’s problems are so unique that recovery principles won’t work for them. This mindset can prevent individuals from fully engaging in recovery.
Terminally Unique
This action involves building confidence to assert personal boundaries while maintaining healthy relationships.
What is setting and enforcing boundaries?