Celebrity Addicts
Northwestern Medicine
Palos Intensive Outpatient
Support Groups
This country singer has gone public about his involvement in AA and long term recovery.
Who is Keith Urban?

Six to eight weeks

What is the average length of stay in SUDIOP?


Bill W. and Dr. Bob

Who are the cofounders of AA?


These groups takes a spiritual approach to recovery from alcohol

What is Alcoholics Anonymous?


This person with long term sobriety provides guidance to the newcomer in AA and assists them in working the 12 steps 

What is a sponsor?

On one of his benders, this actor stumbled across the street from his house to a neighbors home and passed out in their child's bed?
Who is Robert Downey Jr.?

Name the leader of the SMART Recovery Group on Tuesday evening?

Who is Kathy E?


God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference

What is the Serenity Prayer?


This mutual support group takes a scientific approach to recovery, unlike 12 step groups

What is SMART Recovery?


Symptoms of this process which is a criteria  for alcohol use disorder can include shaking, sweats, nausea, etc.

What is withdrawal?

This famous diva uttered the now famous phrase, "Crack is Wack".
Who is Whitney Houston?

Confidentiality, No profanity and no cell phone use

What are group guidelines?


In AA, those with a Substance Use Disorder are encouraged to remember the acronym H.A.L.T. which describes which four possible internal triggers for relapse?

What are Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired?


This group is a 12 step support group for the loved ones of an alcoholic

What is Alanon?


This is generally a medically supervised treatment for alcohol or drug addiction designed to safely purge the body of intoxicating or addictive substances.

What is detox?

This "WINNING" actor is infamous for his public meltdowns and TV show firing.
Who Is Charlie Sheen?

What are the days and starting times of SMART Recovery meetings here?

What are Tuesdays at 6 and Fridays at 7?


A return to using after a period of sobriety

What is relapse?


This  is a support group for the friends and family of those with a compulsive behavior that takes a scientific approach

What is SMART Recovery Family and Friends?

A person, place, thing or event that can result in psychological and then physical relapse.
What is a trigger?
This successful actor's early life was marked by drug addiction and eleven years in and out of prison in California. He credits his turnaround to boxing and attending 12-step meetings while incarcerated in San Quentin
Who is Danny Trejo?

This person provides your medication management while you are in the SUD IOP

Who is Dr. Donald?


We admitted we were powerless over alcohol, that our lives had become unmanageable

What is the First Step of AA?


This group, founded by Jean  Kirkpatrick is for females who wish to stop drinking

What is Women for Sobriety?


This symptom of Substance Use Disorder is characterized by the need to take more of a substance to get the same effect 

What is tolerance?