Recovery 1
Meetings 2
Recovery 4
Recovery 5

Those in recovery from addiction should change their _____, _____ & _____ in order to maintain sobriety.

What are "people, places, and things”?


___ meetings in ___ days is recommended upon release from prison to help form good habits and build your support network. 

What is 90 meetings in 90 days?


What does P.A.W.S stand for?

Bonus 100 points if you can name 3 symptoms of this.

What is Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

BONUS- Irritability, Depression, Anxiety, Sleep Disruption, Fatigue, Memory problems, Inability to focus, Cravings, etc. 


We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction, and that our lives had become unmanageable.

What is Step 1?


This document that every person in recovery should have, typically includes: personal goals, potential triggers and strategies for staying away from drugs and alcohol. 

What is a Relapse Prevention Plan?


Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on AA/NA unity?

What is Tradition 1 (from the 12 Traditions)?


This is the serenity prayer.

What is "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."? 


According to NA literature, addicts in the grip of this illness will end up in _____, ____ & ____. 

What are jails, institutions or death?


This person will help you navigate the program and is someone you can rely on in a time of need. 

Bonus 100 points if you can name yours

What is a Sponsor? 


Name 5 healthy hobbies/activities that you can engage in during recovery

Up to judge


This is your responsibility. No one else is going to do it for you. 

What is my own recovery?


The most important person at any AA/NA meeting. 

Bonus 100 if you can say why

What is the newcomer?

What is because we keep what we have by giving it away?


This is the only requirement for membership in the AA/NA fellowship. 

What is the desire to stop using?


Two types of mentor-led meetings that you should be attending.

What is AA/NA meetings, 12-Step meetings or Smart Recovery?


CBT stands for ______________

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


What are thoughts and beliefs we work to change in CBT?

Automatic Thoughts and Core Beliefs


This is the spitiual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. 

What is Anonymity?


A meeting that a person in recovery designates as their 'official' meeting, or is the meeting they go to most often. 

What is a home group? 


Practice healthy ____ to overcome cravings and triggers.

What are Coping Skills?


If the obsession or compulsion becomes too great, put yourself on a _______ minute basis of not using. 

What is 5 minutes?


Drugs cause this chemical in your brain to release more then normal amounts. 

Bonus 100 points if you can name one thing to naturally increase this chemical. 

What is Dopamine?


D.B.T is an acronym that means this. 

What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy? 


The acronym of H.A.L.T tells us to never become too _____, ______, ______, or ________.

What is too hungry, angry, lonely or tired?


Don't quit before this happens? 

What is "the miracle"?


In AA each group should be ______ except in matters affecting other groups or AA as a whole. 

What is Autonomous?

having the capacity and willingness to act on our own behalf