Name 3 coping skills people can use to stay sober when they are are experiencing triggers for use.
Going to a meeting, calling a sober support or sponsor, mindfulness, healthy distractions.
What is a symptom of addiction...
cravings, inability to stop using, recurrent thoughts about use, urges, continued use despite negative consequences, withdrawal
Name at least 2 warning signs you are headed for a relapse
You stop seeking support
Romanticizing substance use
Not dealing with stress
Mood swings/intense emotions
Hanging out with people who use/negative influences
Name 2 examples of physical relapse warning signs.
Pain, insomnia/hypersomnia, cravings
Name 2 examples of a behavioral relapse warning sign.
Manipulating/lying, stealing, cheating, fighting, breaking contracts
Name 3 types of meetings
AA, NA, HA, SMART Recovery, etc
There are two kinds of dependence... what are they
physical and psychological
True or False
Mental relapse happens the minute you pick up that first drink or drug.
False! Mental relapse occurs long before you pick up that first drink or drug.
What are 2 examples of mental relapse warning signs?
Ruminating thoughts, justifying actions, suicidal ideation, negative self talk
What are some fears people may have about treatment?
They weren't ready to stop using. ...
They didn't know where to get treatment. ...
They were afraid of what their friends might think. ...
They were afraid it might affect their personal life
What in your life do you have to change in order to be successful in recovery?
What do you think is the most challenging change you will have to make?
Describe what it meats to be in the contemplation stage of change
the stage at which the person engaging in the addictive behavior begins to think about changing, cutting down, moderating, or quitting the addictive behavior.
Name two ways to support your continued recovery.
Attending support meetings, service work, finding community.
Why is gratitude important in recovery?
What are you grateful for in your recovery?
Gratitude is recognized as one of the foundational virtues in the creation of happiness.
If individuals are grateful to be on the road to recovery, then it is less likely they will relapse because they are empowered to move forward.
Name one of the 5 stages of change
What do you think the following statement means?
"Recovery is person driven"
Self-determination and self-direction are the foundations for recovery as individuals define their own life goals and design their unique path(s) towards those goals.
Describe what it means to be in the "precontemplative" stage of change.
Not ready to make a change, does not recognize the need for a change.
Share 3 situations that could put your sobriety at risk.
How do you handle those situations?
People, Places and Things.
How can being in recovery/remaining sober impact your overall health?
1. Longer life expectancy. 2. Quality of life.
3. Improved stress management. 4. Able to be more physically active (i.e. stronger and more agile).
5. Better sleep. 6. Better eating habits.
What are the three types of relapse warning signs?
Mental, physical, behavioral
What are boundaries?
What boundaries will you need to set in your recovery?
Boundaries are limits you set for yourself. It is the practice of openly communicating and asserting personal values as way to preserve and protect against having them compromised or violated.
Name one reason why support is important in recovery.
Support is essential for maintaining and enjoying sobriety, avoiding feelings of isolation, rediscovering self, and connecting with others who understand what you’re experiencing.
Name 2 triggers for substance use and two corresponding coping skills.
Way to go!
How can you prevent relapse?
Return to a program of recovery before sliding into old behaviors and using patterns.
When treatment ends, what are some ways to maintain your recovery?
How do you plan to maintain your sobriety after ND?
1. Continue attending meetings. 2. Stay connected with sober mentors/sponsor 3. Continue self care.