What are brain chemicals called?
What does AA stand for?
Alcoholics Anonymous.
What is a trigger?
Something that makes you think about using.
What is the early stage of sobreity where mood is elevated and it is easy to stay motivated for recovery?
The Honeymoon phase or the pink cloud.
What do you call getting addicted to another substance?
What brain chemical is most associated with addiction?
How many steps are there?
A physical, mental or emotional desire to use substances.
The [Blank] stage occurs 40-120 days into sobriety and is characterized by lower motivation, mood and increased vulnerability to relapse.
'The Wall.'
What do you call not using any mind/mood altering substances?
Total Abstinence.
What is a another name for brain cells?
What is the primary reading material for AA and NA?
The Big Book.
Feelings are examples of what kind of trigger?
Internal Triggers.
What are some ways yo help brain healing in recovery.
Healthy diet, exercise, sleep.
Why are 'non-alcoholic beverages' bad for people in recovery?
They can still be triggering.
They still contain alcohol.
The [Blank] Pathway is the part of the brain most associated with addiction.
The Reward Pathway
A mentor in recovery who has agreed to partner with you to provide guidance and help while working a program.
A Sponsor.
Pay Day, an old drinking buddy, or driving by your dealer's house are examples of what kind of triggers?
External Triggers.
What are common dates for relapse?
30, 60, 90 and a year.
What does HALT stand for?
Hungry, angry, lonely, tired.
This is the process by which the brain can repair itself and reallocate resources after being damaged or altered by injuries or substance use.
What is the 1st step's main theme?
What is the best thing to do when you experience a trigger or craving?
Talk with someone about it!
At what stage do thoughts of using stop completely?
Trick questions! They never stop, but you get better at coping with them!
What is ALANON?
A support group for family member's of people struggling with addiction.