Coping Skills Misc.
Recovery Protection Planning
Famously Sober
Addiction Random

In a relationship the limits an individual puts in place to protect their mental health, values, identity, and responsibility from being compromised or violated by others

What are boundaries?


A positive emotion that involves being thankful and appreciative

What is gratitude?


Cues that can cause urges and cravings

What are triggers?


Despite his drug and alcohol related music, this rapper whose name is inspired from a popular chocolate candy has been sober since 2008

Who is Eminem?


This increases as you continue to drink/use, requiring you to need more of your substance to feel the same high

What is Tolerance?


List your top 5 positive coping skills for cravings, being triggered, feeling emotional dysregulated, etc.

Good job! 


True or false: Gratitude has physical health benefits, like lowering blood pressure and strengthening our immune systems



These are withdrawal symptoms that occur after detox

What are PAWS, Post-acute withdrawal symptoms?


This Oscar-nominated actor became sober during the making of Wedding Crashers in 2005.

Who is Bradley Cooper?


A guide/mentor, in recovery that volunteers time to help others.

What is a Sponsor?


List at least 3 ways someone can challenge negative thinking  

What is identifying negative self-talk, recognizing; polarized thinking, overgeneralization, catastrophizing, emotional reasoning, etc., using affirmations, practicing self-compassion (shame vs guilt), avoiding using "should's", grounding techniques, journaling, exploring character strengths, etc?


This activity brings you into the present moment, allows you to be centered, and is a proven method of de-stressing

What is mindfulness? (will also accept meditation.)


The letters in HALT stand for

What is hungry, angry, lonely or tired?


This sober lead singer's band performed the theme song to the movie Armageddon

Who is Steven Tyler?


The following is "We admitted that we are powerless over alcohol and/or drugs, that our lives had become unmanageable"

What is step 1?


The difference between an unhealthy vs healthy coping mechanism

Is it something that is providing short-term relief that is not aligned with recovery goals and/or has long-term consequences vs something that can lead to long-lasting positive outcomes?


Actively participating in social activities and maintaining connections with friends, family, or support groups helps prevent this negative aspect related to self-care

What is isolation?


Two coping skills for Recovery Protection

What is a join a support group, grounding techniques, deep breathing, making an emergency contact list, playing the tape through


This actor, famous for uttering the line, "Hello Clarice" has been sober for over 45 years.

Who is Anthony Hopkins?


True or False: Addiction Is a Lifelong Struggle 



Like a wave in the ocean, an urge will reach a peak and then lose its force.

Urge Surfing/Riding the wave


The two "feel good" neurotransmitters that the brain releases when we are expressing gratitude

What is dopamine and serotonin?


The Benefits of Structure and Routine in Recovery

It Helps You Establish a New Normal

It Helps You Exercise Self-Control

It Can Improve Your Self-Esteem and Mental Health

It Helps You Avoid Boredom

It Can Improve Your Physical Health


After being fired from multiple jobs, attending over dozens of SUD treatment centers and being incarcerated for a year; this sober actor is now best known for playing a marvel movie character.

Who is Robert Downey Jr?


The three substances with the most dangerous (even can be deadly) withdrawal symptoms.

What is alcohol, benzodiazepines and opioids?