Personal Growth
Coping Skills
Understanding Addiction
Relapse Prevention

Four major dimensions of recovery

What is health, home, purpose and community?


Name one benefit of recognizing triggers and developing coping strategies in recovery.

What is increased self-control, reduced risk of relapse, or improved emotional regulation?


The limits of what is deemed appropriate behavior by an individual.

What are boundaries?


This occurs when a person stops using a drug they were dependent on.

What is withdrawal


Name 3 important things to include in your relapse prevention plan.

Phone list, self-care, triggers list, escape plan, consequences of use, mantra, etc.


True or False: Seeking external validation is a reliable way to build long-lasting self-esteem

What is False? (Self-esteem based on external validation is often fragile and temporary)


Name specific examples of external and internal triggers

Internal: what is stress, anxiety, depression, boredom, or negative emotions?

External: what is the bar, parties, certain people, specific locations?


Maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens

What is practicing mindfulness?


With continued substance abuse the brain will stop producing this brain chemical that enables pleasure?

What is dopamine?


This term refers to the practice of staying connected with others in recovery to share experiences and provide mutual support.

What is a sponsor or peer support? 


This term refers to the ability to bounce back from adversity and maintain a positive sense of self

What is resilience? 


How long does a craving generally last?

What is between 2 and 15 minutes.


This coping skill releases endocannabinoids, endorphins, and dopamine and lowers cortisol.

What is exercise?


True or False: A person can't become addicted to drugs or alcohol if they only try it one time

What is false? 


One of the most common & effective coping skills a person in early recovery can develop is, this string of behaviors characterized by "a sequence of actions regularly followed"

What is a routine?


Name one way to nurture supportive relationships in recovery.

What is attending support group meetings, communicating openly, or participating in sober activities?


Name one technique for identifying personal triggers in addiction recovery.

What is keeping a trigger journal, attending therapy sessions, or participating in mindfulness exercises


What is the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding technique?

5 things you can see, 4 you can hear, 3 you can feel, 2 you can taste, 1 you can smell.


Who is affected by addiction? 

What is: the person who is using, Family, Children,  Co-workers, Parents, Siblings, Friends, Community


This term describes the process of individuals taking ownership of their recovery journey and making informed choices.

What is self-determination? 


This term refers to the process of exploring and addressing underlying issues that may contribute to addictive behaviors.

What is self-reflection or introspection?


True or false: Emotions are always logical and rational responses to situations.

What is False? (Emotions can be influenced by past experiences and subconscious beliefs.)


A state of mind where you are thankful and taking notice of the good things in your life rather than the bad.

What is gratitude?


1st symptom experienced as a sign you're developing a substance abuse disorder...

What is increased tolerance? 


Our brains learn by ____ and ___?

What is repetition and reward?