But many of them do recover if they have this.
What is the capacity to be honest?
The entire family of an alcoholic is, to some extent, this.
What is ill?
Our Society's great medical benefactor.
Who is Dr. William D. Silkworth?
As the guilt and shame increased so did this.
What is our drinking?
We had to fearlessly face the proposition that either God is everything.
What is or He is nothing?
First introduced in April 1939.
What is the book Alcoholics Anonymous? (What is the Big Book?)
Without help alcohol is this.
What is too much for us?
This is the very thing which makes life seem so worthwhile to us now.
What is showing others who suffer how we were given help?
They are forever trying to arrange the lights, the ballet, the scenery and the rest of the players in his own way.
Who is the actor?
Although, many of us were not thrilled with the taste of alcohol we loved this.
What is the effect?
In the last analysis, God is only found here.
What is deep down within us?
In Bill's story, his sense of the Presence of God would soon be blotted out by this.
What are worldly clamors, mostly those within himself?
We were entirely ready to have God remove all of these.
What are defects of character?
In God's hands, this is the greatest possession you have.
What is your dark past?
She's a nut - she snubbed me. She committed her husband for drinking. He's my friend. She's a gossip.
Who is Mrs. Jones?
When I was drinking, other people never knew this.
What is what I might do or say?
On the question of faith, we found ourselves handicapped by these three attitudes.
What is obstinacy, sensitiveness, and unreasoning prejudice?
Perpetual quietness of heart.
What is humility?
Any life run on this can hardly be a success.
What is self-will?
Many alcoholics are this. They run to extremes.
What are enthusiasts?
A foolish chap having queer ideas of fun.
Who is the jaywalker?
As the drinking increased, so did this.
What is confusion?
As soon as we were able to lay aside prejudice and express even a willingness to believe in a Power greater than ourselves.
What is that we commenced to get results?
A tumbler full of gin followed by half a dozen bottles of beer would be required if Bill were to do this.
What is eat breakfast?
This is the "number one" offender. It destroys more alcoholics than anything else.
What is resentment?
The alcoholic is not likely to get far in any direction in recovery if they fail to show this.
What is unselfishness and love under their own roof?
He was able to make a really beautiful pair of moccasins - and half of a wallet.
Who is Dr. Paul O.?
Some of us once believed that as long as a person held down a job, didn't embarrass his family or friends too frequently, and kept out of trouble, he was entitled to do this.
What is get drunk on a regular basis?
Some of us had already walked far over the Bridge of Reason toward this.
What is the desired shore of faith?
Between Scylla and Charybdis.
What is the lesser of two evils?