In recovery programs like AA or NA, people receive these to celebrate milestones.
What are coins or chips.
When someone struggles with depression, it's usually due to having low levels of this chemical in their brain.
What is serotonin.
This is the residential treatment center located on the VA campus.
What is Lifeline Connections.
Pier 360 East used to be known as this.
What is the Val Ogden Center.
This color represents recovery awareness and is often worn during National Recovery Month.
What is purple.
This is something you have to make sure to fill out and send in every week that you have court.
What is a web report.
This type of treatment requires you to temporarily live at the facility.
What is inpatient treatment or residential treatment.
This is someone who you look to for guidance and support with the 12 steps.
Who is a sponsor.
This month is Mental Health Awareness Month.
What is May.
This type of housing is separated by "Chapters".
What is Oxford housing.
This is the day and time that the women's support circle is.
What are Tuesdays at 12pm.
This is what is used to reverse an overdose.
What is Narcan.
This is what you call to check and see if you have to go take a drug test.
What is the color line.
The ability to keep going and recover after facing challenges.
What is resilience.
This is step one of 12 steps.
What is "we admitted we were powerless and that our lives had become unmanageable".
This is the number of dimensions there are for the Dimensions Of Wellness.
What is 8.
This is the hot dog cart owned by someone in recovery.
What is The Weiner Wagon.
This is the day and times of our men's support circles. (Bonus points if you can name both)
What are Tuesdays at 6pm and Saturdays at 9am.
This is the opposite of addiction.
What is connection.
This is what it's called when you have to attend a group multiple times a week.
What is Intensive Outpatient or IOP.
This famous actor, known for his role in Friends, was open about his recovery journey.
Who is Matthew Perry.
This is something they suggest not to do within the first year.
What is get into an intimate relationship.
This is what the acronym WRAP stands for.
What is Wellness Recovery Action Plan.
This dentist office off of Fourth Plain also has apartments attached to it.
What is Seamar.
This is the day and times of Peer Projects at both centers. (Bonus points if you can name both)
What is
East- Tuesdays at 1pm
West- Fridays at 1pm.
This is the month that celebrates Recovery Awareness Month.
What is September.
This is what it's called when you only go to group or court once a month.
What is monthly monitoring.
This famous actor from Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes is open about his recovery from addiction.
Who is Robert Downey Jr.
This what it's called when you lead an NA/AA meeting.
What is chair.
This brain chemical is linked to feelings of pleasure and motivation.
What is Dopamine.
This is a common place to go to detox that is NOT Lifeline Connections.
What is Rainier Springs.
This is what our acronym for HARPS stands for.
What is Housing And Recovery Peer Services.
The acronym MAT stands for this.
What is Medication Assisted Treatment.
The acronym DOSA stands for this.
What is Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative.
This country singer who's married to Nicole Kidman went to treatment back in 2006.
Who is Keith Urban.
In step 4 it says to do this.
What is take a moral inventory.
This is the mental health outpatient group that they have through PeaceHealth.
What is ADAPT.
This is the place in downtown Vancouver where there's an opportunity to get a bike.
What is Wheels Deals.
This is our team that goes into hospitals like Western State to support individuals who primarily struggle with mental health.
What are Peer Bridgers.
The acronym PAWS stands for this.
What is Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.
This is the number of days you have to be sanction free in order to phase up.
What is 14 days or 2 weeks.
This is what it's called when a person struggles with both mental health AND substance use.
What is co-occurring.