Meditation, mindfulness, exercise, therapy, calling a sober friend, and thinking of consequences are all examples of this useful tool in recovery.
What is a coping skill?
What percentage of individuals with severe mental disorders are affected by some form of substance abuse or dependence? 25%, 50% or 75%
What is 50%
True or False: 10% of people who are dependent upon or abuse alcohol and 20% of people who are dependent upon or abuse street drugs also have at least one serious mental illness?
What is false.
The percentages are much higher:
37% for alcohol
53% for drugs.
For the best chance of staying sober, what is the MINIMUM length of time a person should stay in treatment?
What is 90 days.
Certain things make some people more vulnerable to addiction than others.
What are risk factors?
For 5 extra points, name 3 risk factors for addiction (ex:genetics, trauma, family history of addiction, mental health concerns, environmental factors, etc.)
5 skills you have learned in treatment to overcome cravings and triggers
(this is a question with many answers. Must answer in form of question still). What is (are) a sponsor, a relapse prevention plan, laughter, service, work, being with family, hobbies etc.