Other Recovery Groups

This is the step we always need to get right daily.

What is step 1?


S.M.A.R.T. stands for.

What is self-management and recovery training?


These are the three broad stages of relapse.

What are emotional, mental and physical?


This is what DBT stands for. 

What is Dialectical Behavior therapy?


Name three different medication assisted treatment (MAT) medications.

What are Buprenorphine, Suboxone, Sublocade, Methadone, Acamprosate, and Vivitrol?


These were the two founders of AA

Who were Dr. Bob and Bill W?


These two groups include Buddhist principles as a pathway to recovery.

What are recovery dharma and refuge recovery?


These are internal or external contributors to distress or eustress that can onset cravings and urges. Give at least 1 example of both internal and external types.

What are triggers?


These are what 12-step refers to as 'stinking thinking.' Give an example of at least 1 type.

What are cognitive distortions or thought errors? Examples may include: magnification, black and white thinking, 'shoulds,' jumping to conclusions, mental filtering, etc.


This life saving medication is used for opioid emergencies.

What is Narcan or Naloxone?


Bill W. attended this group with Ebby T. prior to the formation of Alcoholics Anonymous.

What is the Oxford Group?


The acronym DEADS in SMART recovery stands for.

What are deny/delay, escape, accept, distract, and substitute?


This is a common challenge individuals experience in early recovery that can last up to 2 years. Give at least 1 example.

What are Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms? Examples: Stress sensitivity, sleep disruption, emotional lability, memory problems, physical coordination issues, difficulty concentrating


These are the four different skill types in DBT.

What are mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness?


This celebrity, in a late 70's slasher film, has been in recovery for 25 years.

Who is Jamie Lee Curtis?


This phrase is often used to describe the journey individuals take in recovery and step 1-3, 4-10, and 11-12.

What is "Trust God, Clean House, Help Others?"


This group was founded on the belief that women face unique challenges in overcoming addiction. It promotes behavioral change through:

  1. Positive reinforcement (approval and encouragement)
  2. Cognitive strategies (positive thinking)
  3. Letting the body help (relaxation techniques, meditation, nutrition, and physical exercise)
  4. Dynamic group involvement.

What is Women for Sobriety?


The majority of relapses (65-70%) happen within this time frame. A) Initial 90 days B) 2 years C) Within the first 2 weeks

What is 90 days?


This is a distress tolerance skill we can use for situations that we have no control over. The goal is to reduce suffering, even if only for a brief period of time.

What is radical acceptance?


These two areas of the brain play one of the most significant roles in differentiating an addicted from non-addicted brain: A) Limbic System and Prefrontal Cortex B) Brain Stem and Broca's Area C) Medulla Oblongotta and Occipital Lobe

What is A?


This book is a practical guide to step 6 & 7.

What is "drop the rock?"


This group focuses on recovery from dysfunction caused by addiction and the 14 traits called 'the laundry list.'

What is ACoA or Adult Children of Addiction (and dysfunctional families)?


The onset of relapse can be described as: A) When we pick up a substance or compulsive behavior again B) Start using a compulsive behavior in a maladaptive way only C) When our lives start to become dysfunctional

What is C?


This is the distress tolerance skill used to quickly take our body out of the fight-or-flight response. You activate this skill by:

What is the mammalian diver's reflex? What is TIPP (temperature, intense exercise, paced breathing, progressive muscle relaxation)? What is putting an ice pack below your eye lids and holding your breath for 15-20 seconds.


Internal Family Systems (IFS) describes 4 different categories of 'parts,' they are? Which category often is associated with the disease of addiction?

What are exiles, self, managers, and fire fighters? What is the fire fighter?