People in Recovery
Recovery Slogans
Recovery Tips
This talk show host admitted on her show in 1995 that she had been addicted to crack cocaine
What is Oprah

________________ is the pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction

What is dopamine

To keep it you have to ____ ____ ____
What is give it away
Improve your ______ and exercise daily
What is diet
In the first step, the recovering addict must admit that
What is they are powerless over their addiction and their life has became unmanageable
Black Eyed Peas singer, Fergie, has been sober for over ten years - what was her drug of choice?
What is Crystal Meth

It is the area of the brain where long‐term memory is consolidated, and it is particularly sensitive to alcohol.

What is the hippocampus?

It works if you ____ ___
What is work it
Have a ______ ______ plan in place
What is relapse prevention
During step 4, recovering addicts may work with a sponsor to create their _____ ______
What is Moral inventory
This American author of horror, scifi, and suspense novels once battled alcohol abuse but has been sober for decades
What is Stephen King

Drugs work in the brain because they have similar

a) electrical charges as brain cells b) size and shape as natural brain chemicals c) nerve cells as the brain

What is B

Drugs “fool” the brain because they are similar in size and shape as the natural brain chemicals called neurotransmitters.

Progress not _________
What is perfection
Get treatment for any ____ _____ disorder you may have that could have lead to your addiction in the first place
What is co-occurring/mental health
This step reveals character and your willingness to recover
What is Step 6
This 29 celebrity went to rehab after being arrested for heroin possession in 2003
What is Nicole Richie

When you do something you enjoy, like watch a good movie, your _______ system gets activated. a) limbic b) digestive c) nervous

A: The “reward” system is part of the limbic system, which gets activated when you do something you like. Dopamine is a brain chemical that is released, producing feelings of pleasure and letting you know that something important is happening.

Cultivate an attitude of _________
What is gratitude
This important person will help you navigate the program and will serve as your go to person in times of crisis.
What is a Sponsor
During this step, addicts make direct amends to people they have hurt in their active addiction
What is Step 9
This founding father was addicted to a mixture of alcohol and opium which was used to treat many different ailments in the 18th century
What is Ben Franklin

Brain cells or neurons turn electrical impulses into __________. a) chemical signals b) movement c) axons

A: A message travels down a neuron as an electrical impulse.

If you do what you always _______, you'll get what you ______ ________
What is If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got
Practice healthy ______ ______ to overcome cravings and triggers
What is coping skills
During this step, we sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
What is Step 11