Relapse Prevention
DBT: Cognitive Distortions
Life Management

Recovery and going through treatment is easy

False- it takes courage, dedication and effort to make a big change in your life


Name a coping skill

Drawing, listening to music, talking to people in support network, exercising, mindfulness, ect. 


To see a single unpleasant incident or event as evidence of everything being awful and negative, and a sign that now everything will go wrong.

What is "Overgeneralization" 


what is the action of delaying, or postponing something, called?

What is Procrastination


Getting hair and nails styled, eating healthy meals, taking care of body, good hygiene, adequate sleep, getting a massage are all examples of what?

What is Self-care


there are no withdrawal symptoms from alcohol

F- withdrawals from alcohol can range from emotional changes like depression, irritability, and anxiety; to physical symptoms such as cravings, nausea/ vomiting, brain swelling, and seizures.


Cravings, interrupted sleep patterns (sleeping too much or too little), changes in appetite, skin complexion changes, irritability, moodiness.

What is signs of drug and alcohol dependence?


when we see things purely in 'black or white'. These types of thoughts are characterised by terms such as or 'every', 'always', or 'never' .  Everything is seen as good or bad or a success or failure. It is generally the negative perspective that is endorsed, discounting all the shades of grey that lie in between the two focussed on choices.  

What is "All or Nothing" thinking


Joe has been let go from his job recently and is late on his rent. He has been showing higher levels of irritability and aggression towards family. They are also blaming their financial situation on their significant other.

What emotion is at the root of Joe's situation?

Anger is a secondary emotion. Joe is showing fear of being unstable, and unsure of her future.


an ancient practice that involves physical poses, concentration, and deep breathing.

What is Yoga


All people have a certain chance at becoming dependent on a substance

True, addiction can effect anyone


Scared, Angry, Frustrated, Bored, passionate, stressed, happy, sad.

What is Internal Triggers.


when we focus exclusively on the most negative and upsetting features of a situation, filtering out all of the more positive aspects.

What is "Mental filter"


what is the action of delaying, or postponing something, called?

What is Procrastination


 the deeply ingrained principles that guide all of a company's actions;

What is Core Values


The organ most damaged my alcohol and drugs is the stomach

F- The liver is most effected


A return to using a substance after attempting to stop.

What is a relapse


a negative interpretation or prediction even though there is no evidence to support their conclusion. This type of thinking is often made when thinking about how others feel towards us.  

What is "Jumping to Conclusions"


What are the benefits of delayed gratification

What is "a skill to hold out now for a better reward later";  act of resisting an impulse to take an immediately available reward in the hope of obtaining a more-valued reward in the future." 


Maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment

What is Mindfulness?


The road of recovery is a straight line

 F- like any journey there are winding roads, mountains to climb, fall down, and sometimes finding our way back, recovery looks and is unique to every person.


To think of a negative thought, belief or pattern in a new or positive way.

What is Reframing


To continually discount and dismiss the positive experiences we encounter, by deciding they are unimportant or 'don't count'.

What is "Disqualifying the Positives" thinking


the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose.

What is Effective Communication


What is being free of any further drug or alcohol abuse called?

What is "Being sober" or "Abstinence"