People in Recovery
The Brain
Recovery Slogans
Recovery Tips

This talk show host admitted on her show in 1995 that she had been addicted to crack cocaine

Who is Oprah


This is the pleasure chemical in our brains that plays a major role in substance abuse and addiction

What is dopamine

To keep it you have to ____ ____ ____
What is give it away

During recovery, individuals are frequently encouraged to exercise regularly and improve their diets by eating ______________. 

What is fruits and vegetables, healthier foods, less fast food, less refined foods, less sugar (all acceptable answers)


This word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it. 

What is Short (Short-ER)?


This member of the Black Eyed Peas has been sober from crystal meth for over ten years.

Who is Fergie?


It is the area of the brain where long‐term memory is consolidated, and it is particularly sensitive to alcohol. a) cerebral cortex b) hippocampus c) hypothalamus d) cerebellum

B) What is the hippocampus?

It works if you ____ ___
What is work it

Individuals in recovery are encouraged to have this type of plan in place. 

What is a relapse prevention plan?


You can never answer yes to this question.

What is Are you asleep yet? or Are you dead?


This New England author of horror, sci-fi, and suspense novels like It, The Shining, and Carrie has been sober for decades.

Who is Stephen King?


The reason drugs work in the brain is because they have similar:  a) electrical charges as brain cells; b) size and shape as natural brain chemicals; or c) nerve cells as the brain

What is B, size and shape as natural brain chemicals?

Drugs “fool” the brain because they are similar in size and shape as the natural brain chemicals called neurotransmitters.

Progress not _________
What is perfection

Clients in treatment are encouraged to also seek care for these kinds of disorders, as they may interfere with recovery if left untreated. 

What are co-occurring or mental health disorders. 


This is always in front of you but can't be seen.

What is the future?


This actor had a reputation as a troublemaker but avenged his public image by getting sober and has an iron-clad position in the highly successful Marvel film franchise. 

Who is Robert Downey, Jr.


When you do something you enjoy, like watch a good movie, your reward system gets activated. This part of the brain is the: a) limbic; b) digestive; or c) nervous system

What is A, limbic? The “reward” system is part of the limbic system, which gets activated when you do something you like. Dopamine is a brain chemical that is released, producing feelings of pleasure and letting you know that something important is happening.

Cultivate an attitude of _________
What is gratitude

An important person, usually of the same gender, who will help you navigate your recovery by holding you accountable and serving as your go to person in times of crisis.

What is a Sponsor?


You can break this even without picking it up or touching it.

What is a promise?


This founding father whose face is on the $100 bill was addicted to a mixture of alcohol and opium used to treat many different ailments in the 18th century.

Who is Ben Franklin?


Brain cells or neurons turn electrical impulses into: a) chemical signals; b) movement; or c) axons

What is A, chemical signals.


If you do what you always did, you'll get what you ______ ________

What is If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got


These healthy techniques may be used to overcome cravings and triggers.

What are coping skills?


This type of dog never bites

What is a hot dog?