Step Work
The Big Book
The Fellowship
Drug Facts
Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood him, praying only for knowledge of his will for us and the power to carry that out.
What is Step 11?
The Big Book asserts this is the root of our troubles.
What is selfishness/self-centeredness?
An individual who shares their experience, strength and hope to guide a less experienced individual through the steps and help them develop their own connection with a Higher Power.
What is a Sponsor?
This 2000 film is about a newspaper columnist who is forced into rehab after she crashes a limo she stole from her sisters wedding into a house.
What is ‘28 Days?’
Although they have since been found to be addictive themselves, this class of drugs was marketed as a safe alternative to barbiturates?
What are Benzodiazepines?
We had to fully concede to our innermost self that we were alcoholics.
What is the first step in recovery?
This is the “number 1 offender?”
What is resentment?
This is a set of tenets which help direct a group.
What are the 12 Traditions?
This 1996 British film follows a group of depressed heroin addicts and their passage through life and stars Ewan MacGregor.
What is ‘Trainspotting?’
This is the current DEA scheduling for heroin.
What is Schedule 1?
After completing this step we find a spot where we can be quiet for an hour, review our previous work through the steps, and ensure we have not “tried to make mortar without sand.”
What is Step 5?
These “availed us nothing.”
What are half measures?
This is the only requirement for membership in AA.
What is a desire to stop drinking?
This 1988 movie stars Michael Keaton as a hot shot real estate agent with an alcohol and cocaine problem who enters into a rehab program in order to hide from the law.
What is 'Clean and Sober'?
This is the street name for the chemical compound methyl3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine?
What is MDMA or Ecstasy?
It is after this step that we are promised to be “placed in a position of neutrality - safe and protected.”
What is Step 10?
According to the Big Book this is my job today.
What is to be of maximum usefulness to others?
This has been found through research to be one of the only spiritually based treatments to be evidenced base for treating addiction?
What is a Alcoholics Anonymous?
This is the actor who played Bill W. in ‘My name is Bill W.’
Who is James Woods?
Withdrawal from these 2 substances can be fatal?
What are benzodiazepines and alcohol?
This is the “vigorous course of action” we “launched out on” after surrendering?
What is the 4th step?
“Rarely have we seen” this type of person fail.
Who is someone who thoroughly follows our path?
A meeting at which “trusted servants” are elected and people make decisions about the direction of the group, sign up for service, and hold the group accountable.
What is a group conscious?
This was the original 1936 tile of the marijuana propaganda film known as ‘Reefer Madness.’
What is ‘Tell Your Children?’
This is the compound that is formed in the body when alcohol and cocaine are both used.
What is cocaethylene?