Science of Addiction
Coping Skills
Name that Substance
Famous in Recovery
All about BUP

a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations.

What is addiction?


The methods a person uses to deal with stressful situations.

What is a coping skill?


This is a stimulant that reaches the brain in less than 8 seconds and produces a "high" which peaks in 10-15 seconds and lasts only 15 minutes.

What is crack?


How many artist performed in last years Super Bowl that were in sobriety.

3 (Kendrick Lamar, Eminem, and Mary J Blige


fills the same receptors that opioids do, which sends messages to the brain that you don’t need the drug because it is satisfied.

What is Suboxone?


is used to treat substance use disorders as well as sustain recovery and prevent overdose.

What is Medicated Assisted Treatment

  • Box breathing. ...
  • 4-7-8 breathing. ...
  • Pursed lip breathing. ...
  • Diaphragmatic breathing. ...
  • Alternate nostril breathing

What are different ways to practice deep breathing?


is a synthetic opioid that is up to 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. It is a major contributor to fatal and nonfatal overdoses in the U.S.

What is Fentanyl?


This artist struggled with alcohol and cocaine and said she found recovery after relying on her faith. She is better known as the Queen of of Hip Hop. And performed at last years Super Bowl

Who is Mary J Blige?


True/False Smoking right after or before taking your medication will not effect how well it works.



A chemical released in your brain that makes you feel good. (many drugs of abuse—such as opioids, cocaine, or nicotine—cause this chemical to flood the reward pathway, 10 times more than a natural reward. The brain remembers this surge and associates it with the addictive substance) 

What is dopamine


describes the process of suppressing, or pushing away, unwanted thoughts. This cognitive behavioral technique aims to disrupt negative thinking patterns and redirect thoughts to something that helps relieve distress.

What is Thought Stopping?


are a diverse group of drugs that alter a person's awareness of their surroundings as well as their own thoughts and feelings.

What are hallucinogens? (


This artist wrote a song called "Not Afraid" discussing his addiction and recovery.

Who is Eminem?


Though we should be abstinent from any substance while taking BUP. Which ones can be the most dangerous if taken with BUP. 

What is Benzodiazepines, Opioids,  and Alcohol


This part of the brain is known to be the higher-order association center of the brain as it is responsible for decision making, reasoning, personality expression, maintaining social appropriateness, and other complex cognitive behaviors.

What is the Prefrontal Cortex?


a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.

What is Mindfulness?


This substance may lead to kidney damage, can weaken your body’s defenses against germs,  Permanent damage to the heart and brain, High blood pressure leading to heart attacks, strokes, and death, Paranoia, hallucinations, mood disturbances, delusions, or violent behavior, and premature osteoporosis

What is Meth?


The pop star celebrated six years of sobriety in March 2018. Tragically in July 2018, she suffered an overdose that made headlines around the world. She also has a video/song called "Dancing with the Devil" where she tells the story of her overdose.

Who is Demi Lovato?


Medication is only one part of treating the chronic disease of addiction, some others include. 

What are counseling, a every day decision to work hard to remain sober and support from others. 

This system is strongly implicated in drug use from the pleasure and/or positive side associated with acute exposure to the dysphoria and craving associated with withdrawal.


What is the Limbic System


I am beautiful. I am kind. I am smart. I am a survivor not a victim. I can get through anything. 

What is are some example of positive self talk or positive affirmations?


a powerful substance that can have a wide range of adverse effects on almost every part of your body, including your brain, bones and heart. This substance can cause various cancers as well. 

What is alcohol?


This female artist discussed there being a period in her life where she was hallucinating daily. She says it took a year after stopping meth for the chemicals in her brain to stabilize, so that she was no longer hallucinating. She was in a group with part of its name being a traditional New Year's Eve dish.

Who is Fergie?


You don't have to do it at all. This will be a lengthy endeavor if you choose to. Discuss with your provider if you are interested after about 6 months to a year or whenever you choose.

What is tapering?