Some Community support groups
12 Step- AA- NA, Smart Recovery, Gangsters Anonymous, Secular Organization for Sobriety, faith based recovery groups - Celebrate Recovery
This is the first stage of addiction recovery - lack of insight into the negative impact of excessive drug, alcohol use or high risk behaviors and a strong focus on the positive effects they experience from using their drug of choice.
Way's to support a peer
Call them on their behavior - pull up for negative behavior ( not following rules, telling war stories, talking during group) and compliment for positive behavior (actively participating, being honest, demonstrating change in attitude and behavior)
Important factors for having fun in recovery
Having fun creates feelings that create new memories for our brain to react to - releases natural dopamine's and begins to re-wire the brains pleasure center!
What are your thoughts about this?
Rewards in Recovery
Re-establishing healthy relations with yourself, your higher power, your Family or loved ones.
Self love, sharing, caring, having a life you love, being free of guilt and shame, having new experiences.
What are some of yours?
The requirement for membership is
For 12 Step meeting - The desire to stop drinking AA meeting / using drugs NA meeting.
Contemplation is the second stage of recovery - this means a person is ready to bring about change in the future but not immediately - they are aware of the pro's and con's of becoming drug free.
being supportive to others in recovery looks like
Engaging in positive talk, sharing what has worked for you, use I statements, encourage when someone is discouraged, be solution minded, role model.
Fun in recovery can happen when
You get active and participate in group or outside functions, interact little by little with safe and healthy people.
What is being sure?
Confident - confidence in oneself
The most important person at a 12 step meeting and why
The newcomer is the most important person at any meeting. Because you can only keep what you got by giving it away.
Preparation / Determination Stage
Preparation / Determination is the third stage of recovery- this is when the individual is building a sense of urgency regarding their desire for sobriety. They have usually made steps toward taking action such as attempting to quit, joining a gym, seeing a counselor. Making a commitment to change - this is serious- something has to change-What can I do?
Setting an example shows
A demonstration of commitment and discipline towards being more confident - having integrity.
Where do you go to have fun in recovery?
There are countless endless experiences waiting for you to discover them - what can these be.
Can you name a few?
The feeling you get when the chains that bind you are gone.
It is suggested for a newcomer at their first meeting
To stay and talk to members after the meeting get telephone numbers go to meetings don't use or drink just for today.
Can you add to this? What was important to you?
Action Stage
Action Stage is the fourth stage of recovery- during this stage a person has made significant changes to their lives and is committed to change. People in this stage also tend to be open to receiving help and are likely to seek support from others
A simple phrase you might share with someone in recovery
The "HOW" honest, open & willing.
What are some other phrase's or acronym's that helped you?
Does fun have to be something spectacular ("go big or go home")?
No - as a matter of fact it can be as simple as playing a game with a friend, with your children, with your significant other.
Planning a family outing.
What else can you think of?
When we help others in sobriety, we?
Are helping our own sobriety as well.
Four major dimensions of recovery
Recovery is an ongoing process - the four major dimensions of recovery are Health, home, purpose and community.
Maintenance Stage
Maintenance Stage is the fifth stage of recovery - during the maintenance stage the individual is working hard to prevent addiction recovery relapse, keeping up with lifestyle changes, regular exercise, paying attention to hygiene, sleep attending support groups.
Something you might offer someone who is feeling hopeless.
Encouragement, Concern, Compassion, Empathy-
What else might you offer someone that is feeling hopeless?
What does it cost to have fun in recovery?
Easy!! It can be free - it can be a minimal cost- it can be very expensive - just depends on what you have and how you want to budget it!
Something we hear at meetings - We get another chance at a
First Class Life.
What are some other inspiring things we hear at meetings?