We admitted we were powerless over our addiction and that our lives have become unmanageable
Addiction is a brain disease which can be observed on a brain scan.
What is true
Needing more of a drug to achieve the same effect OR a diminished effect when using the same amount is called this.
What is tolerance
Cocaine and methamphetamine are members of this class of drugs
What are stimulants
In recovery, I need to consider avoiding old ____________, _____________, and ________________.
What are people, places, and things
The primary responsibility of a sponsor is this
What is help me work the 12 steps
Addiction is a chronic disease. Once I have it, I will always have it. True or false.
What is true.
This term means addiction always gets worse, never better, over any considerable period of time.
What is progression.
Heroin is a member of this class of drugs
What are opioids
This recovery skill involves the use of other people in recovery to support my own recovery
What is (sober) support
The only requirement for 12 step membership is this.
The desire to stop using
Withdrawal is the hardest part of recovery. Once withdrawal is over, recovery always gets easier. True or false.
What is false.
The neurotransmitter most often associated with addiction is
What is dopamine
Anxiety, shaking, DTs, seizures, and vomiting are most often associated with withdrawal from which substance
What is alcohol
12 step programs are not religious but ARE this.
What is spiritual
People with the disease of addiction just lack willpower. True or false
What is false
If there is a family history of drug use, your risk for addiction is....
What is Increased
body aches, hot/cold sweats, runny nose, fast pulse, and diarrhea are typical withdrawal symptoms for which substance
what is heroin
Everyone who uses drugs will become addicted. True or False?
What is false
Name either of one of the two founders of Alcoholics Anonymous
Addiction is a primary disease. It is not necessarily caused by something else like trauma or mental health.
What is true.
The phenomena of replacing one drug for another is called this
What is cross addiction or drug switching
This drug can be both a stimulant and a depressant, depending upon how much I use.
What is alcohol
Prayer, meditation, nature, journaling, music, and art all all recovery skills which fit under which recovery principle
What is spirituality